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In all his thirty-five years of life, only once had Lan Zhan felt this enraged and furious before, to the point that he wanted to exterminate every single person who went against his Wei Ying in the First Siege of Burial Mounds.

He wished with every single fibre of his being to be able to protect and save his Wei Ying from everything and everyone but cried and lamented for not being capable enough to protect his love from the venomous words and attacks of all those poisonous worms who not only dared but also succeeded in hurting his Wei Ying to the point that he...

Never again!

Lan Zhan vowed to himself then...to become stronger, more capable, more powerful and more unhesitating!

Enough to stand up for his love against the whole cultivation world and even kill them without showing an ounce of mercy just like they treated his love and even more, if need be, once his Wei Ying returns to him.

And yet, this Alpha, Lan Zhan's own counterpart managed to not only hurt but also separate his Wei Ying from him.


Lan Zhan wanted to end Alpha Lan Wangji's miserable life who wasn't even able to differentiate between his own Ying, with whom he grew up and Lan Zhan's Wei Ying, his husband, and his life.

But Lan Zhan's hands were tied, for now, because Alpha Lan Wangji held his Wei Ying and his daughter, his little competitor, almost painfully close to himself, which did little to alleviate the fiercely burning rage inside his heart.

'He is my Wei Ying! My cultivation partner! My husband! My love, life and everything! And that's my daughter! You're delusional if you think he's your Ying'er. Give my family back to me, Alpha and I might spare your pathetic life!' Lan Zhan thought, glaring at Lan Wangji while restraining himself from acting on his murderous thoughts.

"You wanna kill me? Huh! Try what you can, sword-wielder! You don't have to hold back with the excuse of not wanting to hurt my Ying and your tiny baby," Lan Wangji said, gently laying Wei Ying on the bed, shielding him with his own body and carefully extricating the whimpering baby from Wei Ying's arms and laying her on the bed, a little away from himself, closer to Lan Zhan and others, "Here! You can have your daughter back! I only want what's mine."

Lan Zhan was shocked.

How did Alpha Lan Wangji know what he was speaking in his mind? Previously, he thought it was only a mere coincidence but now...

And then Lan Zhan remembered his daughter's ability. And it all made sense!

His Wei Ying would be so proud of him, rewarding him with kisses and one of his brightest smiles and sparkling silver eyes that always gaze at him with all the love, tenderness and adoration in the world, for solving this little mystery so quickly and efficiently.

Suddenly, Lan Zhan started missing his Wei Ying even more than earlier and just seeing his life lying unconscious in the arms of someone who wasn't him, was enough for Lan Zhan to kill the person without any regret.

Let alone that person has given Lan Zhan not one but enough reasons to justify his action later in front of his Wei Ying, if needed.

"Stop calling my Ying'er, your Wei Ying, Loser! He isn't yours!" Lan Wangji screamed, "I've seen and tolerated enough of your love towards my Ying'er for the last thirty-three months but that's it! Not anymore!"

While Lan Zhan was just thinking and Lan Wangji kept on speaking more than Lan Zhan has ever spoken in his entire life, Ayuan, Lan Xichen and others were trying hard to keep up with this one-sided conversation, trying hard not to look frustrated but soon it proved to be a losing game...

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