A bitter Encounter

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Lan Wangji's morning was filled with dream-like moments. Although his Wei Ying was not peppering kisses all over him, neither was he whining nor craving his warmth but just the fact that his Wei Ying was lying peacefully within the protection of his strong arms was, for now, enough to fill his heart with all the positivity of the world and to make his steps as light as a feather as he strode towards Hanshi, his Xiongzhang's private residence, to ask for a few days off of work because there's just no way that he'll leave his unconscious Wei Ying, alone in the Jingshi, for hours to perform his daily chores.

Wei Ying and his health come first for Lan Wangji. Forever and Always. Promise that Lan Wangji made to himself and failed to fulfil all those years ago but not again, never again.

While Lan Wangji was on his way to Hanshi, he thought of that other pregnant person who looked just like his Wei Ying and without much thought, he made his way towards the infirmary to check on his condition.

~Inside Infirmary~

A/N: Dear Readers, for convenience, from this point onwards I will be using Wei Wuxian to refer to the one from the Modern AU and Wei Ying to refer to the one from Ancient AU. Hope that suffices the cause. For any confusion, you can just tag it in the comment. Thank You!

Wei Wuxian woke up with a start. His first instinct was to feel the presence of his baby and as an omega, he could clearly feel the healthy heartbeats of his baby and knew without a doubt that his baby was safe and perfectly fine. 

But..he clearly remembered feeling the sharp pain in his abdomen before he was engulfed in the cold water of the blue sea filling his lungs, suffocating him as he struggled to survive but soon breathed his last with that one single thought.

Then, how was he alive? Who saved him? And what's this place? Did some kind of temple or cult people save him? 

Wei Wuxian stealthily looked at his surroundings and the more he looked, the more his idea of some cult people saving his life seemed plausible. These people, they were all wearing white. Like white white. Spotless, impeccable white you see in those detergent advertisements. And, they were wearing layers of it. With just one look, you'll know that these people were wearing like about three or maybe even four layers of it!

And, what about this ancient setting? Like those of some kind of period drama having bamboo wood-like furniture, paper-covered windows, no AC, no fans, no lights, no...switches?! 

Oh no!  Does this mean there's no electricity and so..no INTERNET?! 

What am I even thinking? Even the tiniest village in our world has internet connectivity. I think that these people believe in simple living, away from technology and the like. Anyways, instead of using my brain, I should better ask one of these white-robed people what this place is, but first I need to thank them for saving my life.

Wei Wuxian opened his eyes completely, gaining the attention of those white-robed people who were looking at him or rather his baby bump, weirdly. Clearing his throat to gain their attention on his face, Wei Wuxian was about to thank them when suddenly he saw him, entering the room so calmly!

And then, to Wei Wuxian's horror, all these white-robed people bowed to him with respect!

The realisation struck him with the speed of lightning as Wei Wuxian put the pieces together. The only person who knew about him being in that park at that particular time and the incident ahead was him. This devil, the sole reason for all his sufferings, the person who betrayed him, broke him, destroyed him and tried to kill him is the same who had saved him? Why? 

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