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"Wei Ying?!" Lan Zhan asked frowning as they walked towards the dining hall for lunch

"I know, Lan er gege! But don't worry, everything will be fine. Didn't you see how delighted and gentle Uncle Lan looked while playing with his granddaughter?! Besides, Ayuan is right beside him to control the situation, if our baby tried to attack Uncle with her pheromones or poop!" Wei Ying chuckled, his silver eyes sparkling with happiness and mischief remembering Uncle Lan's goofy smile as he tried to baby-talk to little devil, who was staring back at him, stoically, just like his Lan Zhan.

"Ayuan...knows?!" Lan Zhan asked, confusedly

"Ah, Yes. Remember our baby needed a change right after we returned home, yesterday? You had to go with Xichen ge and Jiang Cheng to meet Uncle Lan so I returned to Jingshi with the baby but when I entered, I saw Ayuan sitting behind your desk, silently, lost in his thoughts. His eyes were swollen red, Lan Zhan. Our little radish had been crying.

Ayuan was shaken badly by what happened yesterday morning. He was scared that he'd lose us, his family, so the moment he saw me and little devil, he burst into tears. It was our little girl who released her pheromones almost instantly to comfort Ayuan while I hugged him to calm his heart. Later, he helped me in changing our baby girl's clothes, so he knows how to do it. Besides, our children share a special bond, Lan Zhan. Despite the age gap, Ayuan and little devil understand each other perfectly so I've no worries about the pheromones attack."

"Why?!" Lan Zhan pouted, looking hurt and disappointed

"Oh no, Lan Zhan! Don't look at me like that! " Wei Ying whispered as he sat beside Lan Zhan to have their meal, "You know how exhausted we were last night. Ayuan left only minutes before you returned, after asking about everything that happened in lotus pier and our little devil had finally fallen asleep. I didn't have the courage to disturb the comfortable silence of Jingshi by making any sound. Although that peacefulness lasted only for a few hours."

"No talking while eating," Lan Zhan reminded, sulkily

"Woah-" Wei Ying shut his mouth abruptly the moment his gaze fell on omega Wei Wuxian who was staring at them or rather, staring at him with unknown emotions swirling in his eyes while having his meal half-heartedly.

But why was he even having a meal? Did he like Lan Clan's bland and leafy food?! Because, as far as Wei Ying knew, omega Wei Wuxian never felt hunger or thirst in this world before as all of his energy was supported by Wei Ying's life force.

"Mn?!" Lan Zhan turned his head slightly to look at his Wei Ying, confusedly, who had suddenly stopped speaking and followed his gaze, only to frown in disdain seeing the omega Wei Wuxian who was wearing Lan Clan's guest disciple robes and looked almost like his Wei Ying, except for the absence of his Wei Ying's red ribbon, bright cheerful smile and sparkling eyes.

And then Lan Zhan noticed him staring at his Wei Ying and his frown deepened.

"Wei Ying! Eat," Lan Zhan gently nudged his Wei Ying out of his thoughts and started having his meal at a pace faster than his usual, with the sole purpose of taking his Wei Ying away from the Omega, as soon as possible.

Wei Ying knew better than to question his Lan Zhan's actions and so he too had his meal quickly and left the dining hall together with his husband, silently.

Relaxed, they had only covered half the way to Yashi when they heard him, mocking with a voice filled with anger and pain, "Wei Ying! You've already stolen my baby. Can you just stop being a spineless coward and for once, stop escaping from me?! At least I deserve this much after all I've done for you, don't you think so?"

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