Emotional Turmoil

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Wei Ying?!” Lan Zhan walked inside the infirmary and at once wrapped his arms around his crying and upset husband and said, “Saw Wen Yuan crying when he left this room. Were you able to make him talk to you?”

“I…I couldn’t make him talk to me, Lan Zhan but… but he shouted, called me a bad person, and said that h-he hates me, Lan Zhan! What should I do, now? I didn’t want to make him cry but… I have no other choice but to leave him behind. Will he ever understand me?!” Wei Ying asked weakly, hiding his face inside the crook of his Lan Zhan’s neck

“He will, mama.” Ayuan said in his calm and serene voice as he entered the infirmary followed by the Alpha who was carrying a frowning Wei Qing.

“I know. This separation will be very hard for him in the beginning but it’s only for his own good. We cannot take him with us to our world, and especially not for forever like he wants!” Ayuan remarked, calmly, “He only turned seven years old last week. As young as he is, Wen Yuan might be unable to understand your actions now, but later, when he’ll grow up, he will surely understand your decision, mama.

Besides, you’ve already written a letter for him, explaining him everything about our complicated situation in the best way possible, right?! Why don’t you pass the letter to the Omega and he can give it to Wen Yuan when the time comes?” Ayuan asked, looking at the Omega for confirmation, who nodded subtly in agreement, before looking back at his sniffling mama, “Please… don’t feel so upset now. You’ve just recovered from poisoning. Please don’t take too much stress. Everything will be fine.”

Wei Ying chuckled abruptly through his tears in his husband’s arms and raised his head to look at his son from over his Lan Zhan’s shoulder, “Stress?! Really, son? Weren’t you scolding me yesterday for using too many words, of this world?! For becoming similar to omega Wei Wuxian? What happened now? Forgot your own words?!”

I DIDN’T!” Ayuan exclaimed, realizing too late about his unconsciously raised voice when his baba glared at him, angrily and disappointedly

“Lan Sizhui apologises, Hanguang Jun. Will receive my punishment in the ancestral hall once we return home.” Ayuan apologized quickly, looking suitably chastised

“Aiyyaahh, Lan Zhaan! Let him be! My son was just a bit embarrassed. You don’t have to look at him so angrily and disapprovingly for his unconsciously raised voice! Won’t you listen to me, Love?!” Wei Ying asked, pouting

Lan Zhan sighed, closing his eyes and nodding his head ever so slightly, stoically, smoothly hiding his amusement.

Having his Wei Ying, his Love, his husband so healthy and alive in his arms, Lan Zhan could feel his own heart beating miles per minute, overflowing with love, need, and an intense desire for the most beautiful person in the world. While Wei Ying was busy interacting with others, Lan Zhan discreetly nuzzled his nose in the nape of his Wei Ying’s neck and breathed in his sweet Lotus flower and spicy fragrance to his heart’s content, wishing fervently for these days of separation to be over and done with so he can have his Love in his arms for several nights, no, for the eternity, all for himself!

And while his heart calmed down a little because of his Wei Ying’s alluring fragrance, his other body part started working untimely much to his dismay.

Holding himself back from just pushing his Wei Ying on the enticingly empty bed and making love to his own husband after days- AGES of restrain and this cruel starvation, Lan Zhan comforted himself and his eager organ with only one single thought, Just one day more.’

“By the way, I wanted to ask you for a while now. Just how did you manage to have little Wei Qing in your arms today, Zhan ge?!” Omega Wei Wuxian asked, taking his- Wei Ying’s Little devil into his cold empty arms and said, “Although I can see that she is still frowning, her hostility towards you and me has decreased considerably. At least she isn’t releasing her spicy sandalwood pheromones as soon as we try to touch her and pick her into our arms without her permission. Still, wasn’t she the angriest with you?”

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