[ Chapter 89 : Copycat ]

Start from the beginning

I notice Laurence is hesitating to even answer.

" You go, I'll be fine " I said and he turns to me.

" Are you sure? " He asked, I nodded.

" I got this "

~ Time Skip ~

" Shhhh, it's okay baby " I coo as Esmé keeps crying while I hold her and she's against my body with the help of this blanket I use as a sling wrap with the help of Jemma.

It's been more than an hour and a half since she started crying, I've tried everything to calm her down, singing, rocking, even using her toys but she's not calming down anytime soon.

" Should we call a doctor? " Jemma asked, I sigh and nod.

" Not Celeste please, I don't want her family to be involved in this, especially when Declan's already here as a knight " I said, she curtsy.

" I'll be back soon, miss " she said.

I look back at my baby as she keeps crying.

" What's wrong? " I asked and place my hand at the back of her head.

I give a gently kiss on her head and she keeps crying.

" Please, your okay " I said and keep walking around the room.

The frustration starts to hit me and I feel water swelling up in my eyes so I lean my head back a little, I hate to hear her cry like this and I don't even know what's going on.

" Don't cry " I said and look back down at her as she keeps crying.

That's when the tear roll down my cheek then drip to her blanket.

" Tell me what's hurting Esmé, please " I weep and have my arms around her gently.

I bite my top lip to keep myself from crying so she doesn't cry any longer, I walk over to my bed and sit down as my legs felt exhausted, I take off the sling wrap and set it aside as I lift up Esmé to look at her. She cries and look down at me with her tears just streaming down, and her dress is even soaked.

" Mommy's here, your okay, your alright, your safe " I said and gently put her down on my bed on her back.

I walk over to the dresser to take out her clothes and walk back to her as she still cries, I manage to calm myself down and take off her socks first then her dress. I sing a soft lullaby as I take them off gently and try not to hurt her.

" No fair, you really know how to make me cry, when you give me those ocean eyes, I'm scared~ " I sing softly.

" I've never fallen from quite this high, falling into your ocean eyes, those. . .ocean eyes " the look of a dark stain caught my eye on her dress.

I start to realize those aren't tear stain.

I gently take it off Esmé's back and see a small drop of blood stain is on it, I furrow my eyebrows then look down at her shoulder where my eyes widened to see she's bleeding a lot that her body is so bloody with her dress. I quickly grab the blanket I used to wipe her body.

" Oh my god, Laurence! " I scream and I burst out crying as more blood ooze out.

I keep wiping to realize there's a lot what looks like needle pricks on her shoulder down to her arm in a pattern.

" Laurence! " I cry out as the blood start to stain my hand so I pick her up as she cries.

" Esmé don't cry " I said.

The door burst open and see him running in with Amelia.

" What happened?! " He rushes.

" She's bleeding!, I don't know where it came from! " I cry as I hold her.

Laurence's eyes widened and it started to water as well.

" Doctor's here! " I see Jemma rushing in.

" Y/n, let me have a look " Amelia said and I hesitate to give her.

~ Time Skip ~

" I've seen this before " Amelia said.

I sniffle as she examine Esmé's arm that's full of needle holes but in a pattern and the bleeding has stopped, as well as her crying after three hours.

" What is it? " I asked.

" Someone it copycatting a very dangerous witch " she said.

" A witch?, Like the one that does black magic? " Laurence asked and she nods.

" I know I'm not wrong about this because whoever it is trying to do a sacrifice ritual " I exhale in disbelief and hold my baby girl closer.

She's already asleep so I'm trying not to wake her right now.

" What do we have to do? " Laurence asked.

" This is just the beginning " she said and step back for the doctor to continue and wrap Esmé's arm up.

" You mean, this'll happen again? " I asked.

" This sacrifice ritual is slow and painful, hours to process, it will be difficult for the both of you to watch, once the pattern on her body is complete we have to stay alert for the person to avoid making a ritual sight " she said then have her staff appear.

" All over her body? " I asked.

" It'll form on her arms and chest, we need to find this person immediately, now I want you all to be honest with me, has anyone other than your staff held Esmé before?, Because they need Esmé's blood to begin the ritual " She asked.

" Just friends and family, no one else " Jemma said as Amelia turn to her.

" Give me a list of names, from now on no one other than your staff are allowed to hold Esmé " she said.

" Understood, ma'am " Jemma said.

" I need to head to the palace and report this to the king and queen, you have the entire court to back you up " she said.

" Thank you " I said and she caress my arm.

" No one hurts my granddaughter and gets away with it " she said then walk away.

As soon as she leaves, I look back at Esmé where the pricks on her arm starts to welt up.

" We'll get whoever it is " Laurence beside me with his arm around my waist.

" I'm finished " the doctor gets up and bow.

" This way please " Jemma gesture the doctor and they leave the room.

I turn to Laurence as I hold our daughter and lean myself against him and he pulls me closer.

" I can't believe someone would do this " Laurence said.

" I swear Laurence, once I know who did this. . . " I lift my head and look up at him

" Your gonna have to hold me back " I said

" I don't think so " he said, I raise a brow.

" You sure about that? " I asked.

" You heard what my mother said, no one hurts Esmé and gets away with it "

The food was bussin.



~ Mariko

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now