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Hellooooo readers. Long time no chat, huh? First off, huge thanks for the 16k reads and all of the votes.

I'm sorry if this sounds like attention-seeking or something, but if you like this book there is a second one that is in the making. Please go check it out. Also, if you want, follow me. I have so many plans for future books and I'm looking forward to all of your love for them.

Other than that, my arm is doing great. I can nearly straighten it and my physiotherapy is really helping. I'm off to New Zealand for the holidays! It's gonna be winter over there so lots of snow. (We get little to no snow in Australia 💀🥲)

I think that's all. Thank you and goodbye!!!

Love you all!

Purple means I love you (Donnie x [demi-girl] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now