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Your pov
I gave him the "are you serious" face. He smiled and stood up. He held his hand out for me. I took it and he helped me stand up. I took a step back to take in his image. He was older now. I mean, sure, I haven't seen him in years... wait. 'Am I going crazy?'

I laughed at my thought and just stared at him. He was staring back. "You-" we both said at the same time. He laughed and gestured for me to go first. "You've grown, short stack." He was shorter than me back then.

His eyes looked watery. He sighed and ran into me. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and he sobbed into my neck. 'This feels so... real. I knew I should have gotten checked for scitsofrenia.'

He let go and held me by the shoulders. "I haven't seen you in so long..." I giggled. "I thought I'd never see you again." I replied. He looked shocked and he let go of me. "What do you mean?"

I put a hand on my forehead. "Ahaha. I really am going crazy." I look back at him. He looked scared. "Huh?" His voice cracked. "Y/n... you aren't crazy." He held his hand out. "Do you not remember what I told you?"

I looked around. I was in some kind of safe home. It had no windows and the doors were made of metal. I look back at the boy. "About the Krang. Yeah, no." I pointed at him with both my hands. "You are a figment of my imagination that I made up as a kid."

He shook his whole body. "What?!" He put a hand to his chest. "I'm real! I'm as real as you are!" I snickered. "Wow, I was creative." I swear I could see steam coming from his ears. "Y/n. I'm serious."

I hummed and turned to look at the room. "What year is it?" He asked. I turned and gave him a confused look. I crossed my arms and shrugged. "I dunno... comin' close to 2022 I think."

He nodded. "It's 2044 here." My arms dropped. I rose a brow. "So what?" I didn't want to believe it. "I imagined the future. No big deal." Casey frowned. "Y/n. This is the future."

I stood there. My mind pulled pieces together like a puzzle. Nothing made sense. "No... it makes no-" "Sence?" I look at him. "Yeah, but think about it." He stepped closer. "You can make portals to different places. Why not different timelines?"

I snorted at his remark. "I didn't make a portal." I held my neck. "I'm out." He gave me a look of pure confusion. "Every time I came here I was asleep. Unconscious." He shrugged. "Time bending."

He took another step closer. I stepped back to maintain distance. "What?" He pointed to his head. "Time bending. You can bend the realities of time through your head."

I groaned. "Alright, grease hair. If this is the future then pro-"
"Case?" There was a knock on the door. Casey jumped. "Uhh... yeah?" He called out. "Who are you talking to?" It returned. He looked at me, then back to the door. "I- you-" he groaned and walked to the door.

He opened it a smig and whispered something inaudible. There was a gasp from beyond the metal barricade. "Let me in." Casey shook his head. "You told me-" "Let me in, grease ball."

He immediately jumped back and opened the door. I woman stepped through. She looked a lot like... "Hey there little me."

My knees felt weak. I laughed deliriously and ran my hand through my hair. I fell to my knees. "Y/n!" Casey ran up to me. He knew I didn't like touch. I didn't like it as a kid either.

He crouched next to me. I held my hands out in front of me. They were shaking. Bad. I held them to my chest and stared at the floor. My breathing was short. The air now felt sticky. It never did.

Older me sat down in front of me and held out her own hands. They had gloves on them and bandages wrapped up their arms. I looked between her and their hands. "Can I touch you?"

I winced. That sounded so wrong in so many ways. But I complied. She cupped my face with their hands and moved it up and to the side. They looked at my neck. "Big Mama, hey?" She spoke as she let go.

I nodded. She nodded. It felt like I was staring into a fucked up mirror. They didn't look that different from me. Her hair was still short, and the hole in her neck was scarred over.

They took my hands and traced circles on the back of them. "I know what you've been through." I looked her in the eye. "Well, no shit." I laughed sarcastically. Her eyes had pain in them. "What is happening right now never happened to me." Their voice was softer.

She was more serious than I was. "You did something that I didn't. Don't tell me and don't ask. I shouldn't know." Based on what I know she shouldn't even be talking to me.

I looked at our hands. She had a ring on her left hand. "I- we... you're married?" She looked down at our hands and smiled. But it soon fizzled out. I could sense Casey's uncomfortableness. "That's not important."

They let go of my hands and played with the ring. "What matters is what is happening." I looked her in the eye. "Y/n L/n. You are the descendant of the mystic warriors. Your powers are more than you can imagine. You need to be trained. To be prepared."

Why did this hurt to hear? Is the world really going to come to this? When? "The only two people who have that ability-" "No." I knew what they were going to say.  I knew Whose name was going to roll off her tongue.

They sighed. "You haven't talked to him, have you?" Casey looked at me with confusion. "Talk to who, Y/n?" I couldn't tell who he was talking to but I answered. "Baron Draxum. Warrior alchemist."

Word count: 1048
A/n: God daymn. By the way, if you want future you to have long hair, you do that. I just thought short hair would be easier to deal with in the apocalypse. Thank you and goodbye.

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