Cold streets

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Your pov

I woke up on the cold streets. Again. 'Fuck.' I stood up and cracked my back. I flicked my wrist and spawned a glowing orb that gave light to the alley. I picked up my bag and opened it. I pulled out my phone and a few more of my little inventions. I yawned as I opened my phone and unlocked it. It was 3 in the morning on a Tuesday. I always had trouble with my sleep schedule. I closed my phone and returned to my bag again. I pulled out a pair of clothes, my black cargo pants, an oversized band t-shirt, and a jacket, and hid behind a dumpster. I slipped on my jacket and tidied my short hair.

I closed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I returned the orb and started to scale the wall. I did a handstand on the ledge and flipped onto the roof. "Alright, Y/n. You have twelve hours till work." I looked around the hidden city and sighed. I've been everywhere. In fact, I've been stuck down here for as long as I can remember. I heard my stomach grumble. "Okay. Food it is." I flipped off the roof and landed on the open street.

I pulled my hood over my head and started to walk. I looked at all the yokai food stalls. 'Gross. Nope. Absolutely not. Why do they even eat that. Aha!' I stopped and dashed to a common stall of my liking.

"You're up early, Y/n." I looked at the bat yokai who ran the stall. "When am I not, Ningel?" He smiled. "Just the usual then?" I nodded and took my bag off my shoulder. "Uh uh uh." He extended his wing and pushed the bag away. "On the house." He handed me a cheeseburger and an iced coffee. "Ningle, no. This is the fifth"On the house" in a row." He shrugged. "I like ya, kid. Just take it and scram." He shoved the food and beverage in my hand and pushed me off. I gsmiled at himand continued to walk.

Wherever I went, eyes followed me. Every step I took was recorded in everyone's memories. A human in the hidden city. Yep. I've been looking for an exit for the past three years and haven't found anything. I gave up ages ago and found a job. A Spanish pizza place for a bone man. He taught me Spanish, and I taught him Italian. I know multiple languages, including some yokai ones. I was impressed by myself. I hadn't gone a day to school, and I made amazing inventions. I never went to combat or acrobatic classes, and yet I'm a badass at both.

I took a bite of my burger. Ningle had the best human food I could find. The iced coffee wasn't that bad. I was snapped out of my thoughts by something bumping into me and knocking my food out of my hand. I turned to the figure. "Hey! Watch it, knucklehead!" I yelled. The yokai turned to me. He was a tall, muscular dog yokai.
"You talking to me?" He stepped closer. "Yeah, dipshit." He laughed. "You wanna go, little girl?" I pulled down my hood and looked him dead in the eyes. He gasped. "Maybe I do." He smiled.

A familiar body stepped in front of me.
"Sh-she does not mean that, sir." I looked at the person properly. "Bone man?" The dog huffed and walked off. The skeleton turned to me. "What do you think you're doing, estúpida?" He flicked my forehead. I held the spot. "Nothing of your concern, Jack Skelington." He sighed and pinched the bridge between his eyes. "You can't just go around picking fights with people twice your size." I looked at him. I was literally the same height as him. I groaned and looked at my squashed burger. 'You will be missed.' I looked at my other hand. 'At least I still have you oh wonderful ice coffee.'

I felt my hood being pulled back over my head. "You need to stay hidden, pequeño." I slapped his hands away from my face. "I still have 11 hours till work, bone man. Lay off." I pushed past him and walked into a random alley. I climbed the wall and sat on the ledge, looking at all of the yokai walking past. I reached into one of my many pockets and pulled out an invention I was working on. I put it on my lap and lit up my fingers. I welded some pieces together and attached some wires. Three hours passed, and I was done. I held it up to get a better look. I nodded at my work and pulled out my phone.

I tossed my invention in the air and watched it fall. I pressed a button on my phone and watched it fly into the open air. "Behold, the hidden city's first Bluetooth drone... I think." I flew it back and caught it. I put it into my bag and checked the time. '7:30... great.' I stood up on the ledge and dropped my bag on the roof. I took out my earphones and put them in. I put music on and put my phone away. I took my jacket off and dumped it over my stuff. I emptied my pockets and tucked my shirt in a little.

Even though I gave up on finding my way out, I still had hope. I wasn't completely trained with my powers, but I tried something every day until I mastered it. Portals, on the other hand, were more difficult. You had to picture the place you wanted to be. Unluckily for me, I don't remember a thing about up top. I was taken away from my orphanage when I was 6 and tested on by a warrior alchemist by the name of Baron Draxum. He ran tests on me. He would tell me that I would be his next greatest thing. That I would be a weapon of mass destruction. He would stab me with needles and other sharp objects, limit my oxygen, starve, and dehydrate me. Every single one of his tests, he would give me a new scar. I had enough. Enough of the tests. Enough of his stupid goyles taunting me. Enough of the cold cells. So I blew the place. I can't remember how, but I was covered in cuts and bruises when I woke up in the street. 'Alright. Let's try this again.'

Word count: 1094
A/n: Hello my dear readers. I hope you are enjoying this because I rarely get writer's block. That means you should get 1 or 2 chapters each day. Just to let you know, I am a tad bit dyslexic and I'm using autocorrect so if the spelling and punctuation are off that's why. Thank you and goodbye.

Purple means I love you (Donnie x [demi-girl] Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang