Happy new year

80 3 1

Your pov

We sat in front of the projector and watched a limited edition Lou Jitsu Christmas movie. Each of us has a paper plate of cheesecake.


We all face Donnie as he turns off the alarm. He looks at us and shook his phone around. "Rooftop time."

He, Leo, Mike, and Raph stand up and run off leaving the rest of us behind. I grunt as I stand up and put my leftovers on the coffee table.

I stretch my arms over my head and crack my back. "Where are they off to?" Sunita asked as she stood up next to me.

"Probably changing into their human forms." I shrug. I officially met Sunita at Christmas. We went to a restaurant and there she was with her dad.

April introduced us and told the others about their relationship. We were all thrilled for her. But I think I didn't give a good impression.

I didn't talk to her at all and I completely blocked her off. She tried to talk to me, but I never talked back.

My brows furrowed together. "Hey, Sunita?" She hummed and leaned forward to look at me. I play either the loose end of the plaster.

"I'm sorry for the crap introduction on Christmas." She raised a brow and smiled. "Sorry? Why?"

I shrug and fill my pockets with my hands. "I was being a bitch. I didn't talk to you- I didn't even go within a 5-metre radius of you!"

She just gave me a large smile and tilted her head. "Y/n, relax. It's cool." My eyes round at her and my mouth had a tiny gap. "Really?"

She nods with her bright smile and puts her hands behind her back. "I get it. When I first came to the surface, I thought I couldn't trust anyone."

We see April and Usagi walking away and follow close behind them as she continues. "But then, there was April." Her gaze softened as she looked forward.

I follow her eyes and look at April laughing with the rabbit yokai. "I snuck into her school and acted like I was in her class. We went out thinking we were "normal", but the truth is,"

She looks back at me. "No one is normal. I'm not. Your not. She's not." Her arms wrap around herself. "We were born into a judgemental world. But it's up to us to find the good and the bad."

Her eyes are attached to the floor as her smile fades a little. "So yeah... I kinda get it." I put a hand on her shoulder and smile.

"Thank you for your words of wisdom." I jokingly bow while still walking, earning a laugh. "My pleasure." She speaks back.

We bump into the two that were ahead of us. I hold Usagis's shoulder and feel it heat up. I look forward and see the brothers. Human, still getting changed, door open, and staring right back at us.

Leo had a white button-up on and was slipping on some jeans. Raph was pulling his shirt down his chest. Mikey was ahead of the others and was putting his shoes on. And Donnie...

"Fuck." His arms were in the holes of his shirt while the rest sat in the crook of his elbow. His cargo pants rested on his waist and-

Purple means I love you (Donnie x [demi-girl] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now