The Krang

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Your pov

My eyes widen as I realize what was happening. I run a hand through my hair and point at him. "Holy shit, you're from the future!"

Everyone starts cracking up in a burst of laughter while we just stare at each other. "Please, if time travel is possible, future Donnie would have come back and already given me all the lottery numbers as we planned."

Casey's head shoots over to them. I let my head hang over my shoulders and listen to their bickering. "This isn't a joke." He broke through the laughter.

"It's true. I need you to believe me. Humanity depends on it." He swings a hand over to me and looks between the crowd and my being. "In the future, an alien race decimated the planet."

I close my eyes and tilt my head away. My loos hands become fists of anger as he continued. "We were hunted. We lived in caves. We ate leaves and rats."

He cringed back and pointed to Splinter. "No offence." The rat waved him off and ate a kernel of popcorn. "None taken. We are delicious."

He finally looked back at me and stepped closer. Although I think he was talking to all of us. "I know how this sounds, but master Leonardo gave me a mission."

I open my eyes and bite my lip. 'He's not supposed to be here. This isn't happening.' "I do like how he calls me "Master"." Leo joked, still believing that was what was happening.

We deadpan him and follow on with Casey. He doesn't move on and expands with Leo. "Of course I do. You are the greatest ninja the world has ever seen."

The others retort and take turns in scoffing. "You told me to find the key and stop the krang." My head shoots back at him and I feel tears in my eyes.

"Aliens. Pfft. Sure, this story just keeps getting better." The projector turns off. We all look at the reason. "Splints?" April trailed off.

His face said it all. He knew. He remembered. "The Krang?" He looked up at Casey, fear painted in his eyes. "I have heard that name. Powerful, barbaric creatures worshipped by the Foot clan."

I turn my whole body to him and listen to his story. "Legend says they came from the stars. Ruthless, unmerciful, with one desire, to enslave our world like so many before us."

I flinch at the similarities to the story that I had been told. It was the same. If I think about it, it was exactly the same.

"All seemed lost until great mystic warriors forged a mighty weapon. A key that was used to lock them in a prison dimension beyond this realm."

My hands began to shake and my mind wouldn't settle. I kept seeking glances at Casey and wondering how he got here.

I look down at my hands and feel my eyes begin to glow. I blink away the energy and pay attention to the tale at hand.

"Over the centuries, the mystic key remained hidden to protect humankind and prevent the return of the Krang..."

I groan and shake my head. "So-" "Future boy is really from the future?" Leo and April finish each other's words and all eyes lay on us.

Mikey stands in front of us. "Mind... pew." He imitates an explosion in his head. Casey lowered his hands and stood tall. "Someone finds the key! Today!"

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