Fucking promises

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!TRIGGER WARNING! Blood and gore.
Flashback (one year later)

I had never been to another foster home since. I stayed in the orphanage watching kids come and go. I had my chances, but the sisters always said that they couldn't take me.

I can't remember much of the orphanage. All I remember is the room in the kitchen and mine that was upstairs. I had one of the biggest rooms since my stay was permanent.

I never spoke again. After telling Sister Kate what had happened and making an effort to understand the situation, my lips were sealed.

"Y/n?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at the door that was being opened. Sister Michelle. She was the other woman that day.

The door closed behind her, and she took a seat next to me. "How are you today?" I nod silently and return to staring out the window.

It was snowing. It's not too hard, but enough that it covered the paths with a light coat. I hear a sigh, and the chair next to me creaks from her movements. "Four families are coming to visit today."

I look at her as she stands up. "Will you be joining the other children?" I take a book off of the windowsill and pull a pencil from my pocket. 'No.'I write in bold letters.

She nods and walks to the door. "Sister Kate would like to see you if that's the case." I follow her to the door with the notebook and pencil in hand.

Michelle opens the door and looks down at me. I give her a questioning brow and tilt my head. "I have no clue." She answers my non-verbal question. "But it seems urgent, so if you will not be joining us downstairs today, I would head to her office now."

She steps out of the way and makes room for me to walk down the hall. I step past her carefully and begin my travels. My door closes, and another pair of footsteps head in the opposite direction.

Once I reach my destination, I sigh and knock three times. "Who is it?" I pause then knock again. The door opened on my last signal, and my vision was blocked by a tall, skinny woman.

"Ah, Y/n. Just the girl I needed to see." He steps out and gestures inside the room. "Come in. We need to talk." I walk in and watch her close the door and face me.

She smiles and walks past me to her desk. She sits down and eyes the chair across from her. I look at it carefully before taking a seat and allowing myself to relax.

Kate cups her hands together and places them on the table. "Now, do you know why you're here?" I shake my head quickly after her question.

She purses her lips and nods. "Okay... well, you ate here because I believe it's about time we speak about what happened this time last year."

Oh yes. That dreaded day. Edward and Hannah had been my foster parents since I was two. And that man... that man was nothing but a bad nightmare.

She takes a breath. "That day you lost your foster parents. The day you met him." I nodded, having enough already. "You are at the age that your birth mother wanted you to know the truth."

My eyes widen. 'Birth mother?' I was always aware that my parents were never my parents. That I lived in an orphanage. But never once had I heard about my birth parents, let alone my mother.

"Many years ago, when you were just a baby, you were bought here by a mystic energy." I moved forward in my seat. 'Magic?' I sign. She nods.

"Y/n, you are the last living -" *CRASH BANG* I flew off my chair and onto the wall. I held my head and groaned.

When my eyes opened, my vision was blurred. I saw Kate next to me. I crawled closer, only to be separated from her with a purple spike. It was the same purple spike as that night.

I heard footsteps crushing glass and wood. "There you are, little one." I leaned weakly back on the wall and looked up at the man. He looked different. He had some kind of mask on. And armour and some kind of flying bats.

My head rolled from side to side as my eyes failed to stay open. "You are so pathetic, Kate." I feel the spike move. A being fell on my shoulder, causing me to flop over.

I groaned as I tried to sit up. "You thought that this barricade would do anything?" The weight is lifted off of me, and a wheeze was let out from Kate.

I look up and try to see what is happening. "Nothing will keep me from my work, Katherine." Kate lets out a choking sound as his grip tightens. "Nothing."

There was a snap. Kate stopped moving. Stopped making noise. The only noise that I could remember after that was her lifeless body falling to the ground with a loud thump.

The only thing that I could remember feeling was being dragged along the rubble by my shoulders.

The only thing I could remember tasting was blood that ran from my nose and seeped into my mouth.

The only thing I could remember seeing was flashing lights and darkness. 'Last living what?'

End of flashback

"So, let me get this straight." Intertwine my fingers and pour out my pointer fingers and rest them on my lips as I take a breath. "You had always known but didn't know who I was?"

I watch him nod slowly and look at the floor. "I found you with a mystic gem. Although, after a certain attack," he eyes the two members that join us. "I have lost it."

I turn to Donnie and look at his goggles. "Why?" I watch as draxum raises a brow. "I beg your pardon?" I look him in the eye and ask again, more clearly this time. "Why did you want me?"

I stand up and step closer to him. "What was so special about being a mystic warrior that you went out of your way to kill those people?" I laugh and point at him. "Can't you just, oh, I don't know, mutate yourself one?"

He rubs his chin. "There are certain things that I wish not to discuss -" "Like what? Who are my real parents?" His eyes widened. "You don't know?"

I wince at him. "No, dipshit! You killed that fucking woman from the orphanage before she told me what the fuck I was or who my mom was!"

I heard the other crates shift behind me. "You know what, April?" I spin on my heel and pick my computer bag off the floor. "I think I'll take your offer."

I turn my head slightly to side-eye the piece of dirt behind me. "I'm done-"

"Promise me, Y/n. Promise me you'll try."

I stop in my tracks. I suddenly find the floor interesting. "Who else knows...?" I sense the yokai stand up. "Just me, and whoever you've told."

I nod. "And who else knows about mystic warriors, or whatever?" He coughs lightly. "From what I remember, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu, myself and, the elders of the yokai kind, dragons."

I sigh and shake my head. "Fucking promises." I turn back around. "One week." The room stays silent waiting for me to continue. "One week of training game with you and if I get a single bad vibe, I'm out."

I spin back around and head for the door. "You just proved that there are other people anyway."

Word count: 1283
A/n: I am so proud of myself, bro. Two chapters are done already. *imaginary round of applause* thank you and goodbye.

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