Post test

184 8 5

Your pov
Mikey looks at the others, then back at me. He sighs and lands on his feet. His hand was still on my shoulder. "I am one of the many mystic warriors of this time."

My eyes widened. "I'm sorry... what?" He nods once. "I am the trainer of a mystic league that helps the resistance."

A laugh escapes me. "So... so you're telling me that you have mystic powers?" Another nod. He didn't talk much at this time. "Y/n." I turn to look at... Y/n. "Are you out? Sleeping or something?"

I look at the ground. "Somethin' like that." Her face floods with realisation. "That's today?" Was mumbled under their breath. I nod quietly.

Mikey draws my attention back. "Y/n. What is happening now is no vision-" "Yeah I figured." He stops. "This has happened before Miguel."

I sigh. "Time bending." I shake my head lightly. "It's even happening since I can remember." I clenched my fists. "I want it to be a vision." My eyes fall on the box turtle. "But I know it's not now."

Now that I pay more attention. Mikey wasn't wearing his mask. And he had hair. I look behind him to the yokai and red-eared slider.

Leo was missing an arm and Usagi was missing a leg. 'Where's Raph and Donnie?' I look at Y/n again. "Where's the boy genius and big red?"

She seemed to flinch at my question. Mikey's hand shifted and fell off my shoulder. Casey steps closer to me. "They fought for us."

He was looking at the ground. "Saved us. Protected us." What is he say-... 'No...' I look at Y/n. They were playing with the metal band that signified her union to someone.

I look at the two remaining brothers. Leo walks closer, bringing Usagi with him. He unleashed his ōdachi. Around the hilt of the weapon lay two strips of fabric. Red and purple.

The purple one flew in the wind and showed black markings. I hold it still and flip it over. 'Eyebrows?' I gasp and let go. "Donnie."

My hand finds its way to my mouth again as I realised who the other one belongs to. Raph. I had always known that Casey's mother died in the battle. But not these two.

I look between everyone again as I move my hand. "What about April?" I hummed at the end. "Where is she?"

I look back at Casey for answers. "Commander O'Neil..." Y/n spoke. I looked at them. She pulled a bat from a side sash and held it out for me to see.

I take it carefully. "Toots died saving us." I look up at my future self again. "Raph died saving Mikey and the mystic league."

Their hand extended to Mikey then moved to Casey. "Cassandra died saving her son." His face dimmed at the words. Another hand change. This time towards herself. "And Donnie..."

Leo walked up to them and put a hand on her back. "He gave one hell of a fight." Leo smiled weakly.

My head felt light. I hold it with one hand. 'No. No. No. Shit.' I fall to the ground. "Y/n!" Casey follows and lifts me onto his lap. My eyes flicker all over again as I listen to everyone's fading words.

"Good luck, Y/n." Leo
"See you soon, L/n" Usagi
"Allow your energy to flow." Mikey
"Stay safe, loser." Casey
"Tell him before it's too late..." Y/n

I open my eyes completely and see that I'm back. My head was pounding and the lights weren't helping. 'Tell him before it's too late?'

I slowly sit up and feel a sheet slip off my torso onto my lap. I let my legs hang from the side of the bed and lean into my hands. My elbows resting on my knees. My hands rub my face.

There's whispering and murmuring beyond the door. I move the thin sheet and look at my legs. I had my pants on still. 'Has she even taken the test yet?'

I brace myself and hold the table. My feet are bare. No shoes. Not socks. The wood-lined floor was cold against my skin.

I breathe and let go of the table. I walk ever so slowly to the door and place a hand on the handle. "What?" Donnie.

He seemed shocked. I opened the door a smidge and peek through. Carol was standing in front of April and Donnie.

April had her hand over her mouth and tears sprouted from the corners of her eyes. "Don't cry, April." 'Shit. Am I still on the anaesthesia?'

All three of the people looked at me. "Y/n?" Carol steps closer to the door and opens it slowly. My hand stayed glued to the door nob.

I moved, with the door, closer to the two others. April moved her hand to show a large smile. A small laugh was given to me as she ran into my arms.

I nearly fall back but hold on tighter to the door. Her grip was tight around my neck and her face was buried in my collarbones.

I could feel her smile. "I uh..." My head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. 'What's happening?'

Carol stands beside me and puts a hand on my free shoulder. "Your clear." Donnie steps closer. "See? Everything is fine." Then he cracks a smile. The first genuine, non-sarcastic, shit-eating, smart-ass talking smile.

April let's go but latched onto my hands. "Welcome home."

Donnies pov
April and I sit at the dining table. My leg was bouncing and April was fiddling with a pen. My eyes were focused on the wooden door.

Just as I thought about knocking, it opened. April's mother steps through and closed the door behind her.

She sighed whilst taking her gloves off.  April and I shared a glance and make our way to her.

She removed her gloves and mask,  so looking at the floor. When her gaze finally met ours, she took a deep breath "The test shows nothing." My eyes widened. "She's clear. "

I open my dry mouth. "What?" The simple word crawls out. The sound of a light tap came from April as she covered her mouth.

I notice movement behind Carol. "Don't cry, April." The short sentence is barely over a whisper.

Carol turns and moves closer. She opens the door more and reveals Y/n. April runs into their arms without a single car in the world.

My heart begins to race and the corners of my lips curl up. "I uh..." she seemed confused.

Carol scooches closer and puts a hand on their shoulder. She looked at me and nodded. I take a breath. "You're clear."

It felt right to say that. Like this moment was completed by my words. Hell. I felt right because I was.

I take a step closer. "See? Everything is fine." I feel my smile grow. April takes a step back. "Welcome home."

Welcome home, Y/n.

Word count: 1178
A/n: this took way longer than it needed to be💀💀. Hope it turned out good though. Thank you and goodbye.

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