Niño boito

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Your pov
I tensed up at his words. He noticed. "We don't have to talk about it." I curled up into a ball. I didn't want to talk about it but some part of me had the urge to tell him something. Anything. "You were right..." I mumbled. "What do you mean?" I lifted my head from its cave and rested it on my arms. "About the mystic stuff."

I was looking at an abandoned piece of paper on the ground. He followed my gaze and stared at it too. "Well I'd be a fool to think I was wrong. Especially after the whole-" he stopped himself. I sighed and unfolded myself. "The mind stuff? Yeah."

I held out my hand and created an orb of light. The same that I used in the alleys of the hidden city. He moved back a little. "It's light, Donnie. It's not gonna burn you or anything." I set it off into the open room. He flicked down his goggles and followed the light. He looked like a cat.

The minutes flew by, and the room was filled with orbs of light. Donnie had asked me question after question. I didn't mind. In the hidden city, as a human you don't get to talk a lot. It was nice. He was different. I felt safe around him. "How exactly do you do it?" A question he hadn't asked. I shrugged. "I just do." Hi nodded like he knew what I meant but I highly doubt he did.

I looked at his shell. It was different to the others. It looked like it was made of metal. The same kind as his staff. "What's with the shell?" He looked at me and touched the purple barricade on his back. "Is it an upgrade or something?" He looked away and shook his head. "It's uhhh... protection." It hit me like a ball. "Are you injured or something? I can help." Another head shake. "I'm a... I'm a soft shell turtle." Another ball of realizationon. 'Of course. The others look different too.' He seemed ashamed of his weakness.

I looked at a table that was across the room. "Soft shells are cool." He shot his head at me. "I mean come on, they have to protect themselves which makes them the most strongest." He was about to correct me. "And I don't mean that they are the strongest but... you know." I shrugged. He looked away. Something about him drew me in. Was it that he was smart like me? What it hoexciteded he would get at small things?

My eyes were still attached to the shell. Did he make it himself? What was it made of? There were voices outside the room. Donnie looked out from the corner of the desk and groaned. He stood up. "It is with great sadness that I must go fetch tonight's supplements." The others yelled his name in unison. He looked at them with an irritated face.

I stood up and looked out as well. "Dee, just go now! I'm getting the munchies!" Mikey yelled at him. The blue turtle was sitting on his phone while the red one was standing with Mikey. Donnie walked out and grabbed a jar. He took out some cash and then ran to his room. He came out with a purple hoodie on and his phone in his hand. He flipped off his brothers with one of his three fingers and stepped out in the... house? System? Complex? Base. Let's settle with base.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked over to the little kitchen island where Leo was sitting. "Hola, cosas calientes.~" (Hey, hot stuff.) The Spanish rolled off his tongue. I rolled my eyes and sat down, placing my bag on the floor. "Cuidado, niño bonito. no quiero que pierdas la lengua." (Watch out, pretty boy. I don't want you to lose your tongue) The other two stared at me. Leo crossed his arms. "Niño bonito, ay?" I grinned at him and pulled out my phone.

Mikey sat beside me, his eyes were basically glowing. "What other languages do you know?" His hands were tapping on the table in excitement. Raph sat on the other side of the table listening to the conversation. I shrugged. I knew too many to keep count of. I was a fast learner when it came to certain tasks. Learning other languages was one of them. Mikey pulled out his phone and typed something in.

He sat straight and looked at me. "Pick a word or phrase." I looked at him confused. "Uhhh, okay..." I decided to go with a short line from a song I knew. "Let me into your heart." Leo looked like he immediately knew the song. Mikey nodded. "Italian." He pointed at me. I thought about it for a second. "Lasciami entrare nel tuo cuore." "French." I shrugged. French was easy. "Laisse moi entrer dans ton coeur." Raph's eyes widened.

The list continues on and on and on. There were a couple I didn't quite know. The smell of hot food and the sound of footsteps filled the space in the room. "And finally, German." I tapped my chin to make it look like I was questioning my knowledge. "Lass mich in dein Herz." Donnie walked into the room.

I folded my arms and looked at Mikey who had his mouth open. Donnie put the boxes of food on the table and looked at him. "I've been gone for 15 minutes and 28 seconds. What could you dumb dumbs have possibly done?" Mikey turned on his chair. "Did you know that Y/n knows over like... 50 languages." Donnie gazed over at me. I winced at the number. "Give or take a few." I said as a follow-up. He nodded his head. "Another reason why you're so intriguing."

Mikey had made his way to the boxes and opened all of them up. I looked over and saw six boxes of pizza opened on the table. I looked over to the Hawaiian pizza and gaged. Leo took the box and shoved it into the hatch. Donnie and I shared the same look. I shuttered at the sight and took a box with plain ham a cheese. Mikey took a box that was closed into another room. He came back shortly after and started eating his own.

I looked at the rest of the guy's meals. Donnie had plain cheese, Raph had meat lovers and Mikey had a ham and cheese one like me. Donnie watched as Leo ate the food in disgust. Leo looked back at him and waved a piece in his face. Donnie slapped it out of his hand. "Nardo you know my regards for pineapple on pizza. It's a disgrace." Leo put a hand to his chest in defence. "Not even a bit?" He had a pouty face on. Donnie looked like he could give less shits in the world.

Leo looked at me with pizza in hand. "Y/n, what are your thoughts on Hawaiian?" He waved it in my face like he did to Donnie. I gave him a fake smile and took the slice. Donnie gasped and looked away. I held it up to my face, only to throw it into the trash can below me. I dusted off my hands and glared at Leo. "Don't try to poison me, niño boito."

Word count: 1241 (a bit longer.)
A/n: Wow... you really hate Hawaiian... so do I! I wanted to incorporate their fights on Hawaiian somewhere so here it is. All of the languages that are in this chapter were google translated. The song that was mentioned we Me and Your Mama by Childish Gambino. Hope this chapter was interesting. Thank you and goodbye.

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