Confident or...

457 16 15

Your pov
As Mikey walked away silence fell upon us. I looked at Donnie. 'You can tell them..' He looked confused. 'I... I'm okay.' April looked between us. "Y/n, I can't. It's not my place to" I waved my hands in his face to stop him. 'Then don't... but I don't want you to be uncomfortable and suffer in silence because of me.'

Before he could argue back I stood up. Donnie followed my action. My head started to spin. I tripped a little but was caught by Donnie. I looked up at him. Our faces were only a couple of inches apart. I felt my face flush over as I saw his go a tint of pink. I pushed myself off and walked out the door.

I leaned up against the wall and took a deep breath. 'It's fine.' I looked down. 'I'm fine...' I shook my head and stood up. I walked towards the smell of cooking and found my way to the kitchen. I saw Mikey whisking some batter and sat down in front of him.

He looked up at me and stopped with his work. 'What's up?' He signed. He knows it too. I let out a breath of air. He washed his hands then leaned on the table and watched me carefully. 'Do you... do you know Draxum?'

He looked puzzled yet he understood the question. "Well, yeah. Why do ya ask?" He took the bowl of batter and moved to the stove. They really do know him. I could feel myself shaking at the thought. "Y/n?"

He took off the apron and moved next to me. I looked away slightly. "Y/n... you can talk to me." He put a hand on my back. I felt comfortable in a way that I didn't push him out. I focused on my breathing. In... and out. I looked at him. 'Just...' I felt his hand lift off my back. If he was close to Mikey I didn't want to hurt him by saying the wrong thing. 'Don't bring him over. Please?"

I looked over to the stove and saw smoke coming from our breakfast. 'Also the pancakes are burning.' I pointed over to them. His fierce turned to panic as he slipped over the table and back into the kitchen. He quickly moved them off the hot surface. "Aw, man." He said under his breath.

He sadly walked to the bin and tipped the burnt sweets into it. He moved back to the hot surface and made another batch. "Y/n?" I held my head in my hands and hummed at my name to let him know I was listening. "May I ask why?" I felt a shiver up my spine.

He turned to face me again. I rubbed the side of my face before answering. 'We... don't get along well.' He nodded. I like that he understood. I heard footsteps behind me and saw two shadows approaching me on each side. Leo on my right and April on my left.

April leaned over to me. "So Y/n. Any chance you are free tomorrow?" I looked at her and shook my head. "Great. A friend of mine and I are having a girls' day in the city. Wanna come?" I thought about it. I couldn't speak. Would that be harder? I needed to cut myself some slack though. 'That could be fun.'

April smiled and nudged me gently. "Perfect." Leo groaned. I turned to him and looked to see him draped over the table. "I was hoping for a rematch." I scoffed and pushed him over. 'I'll beat your ass again.' He sat up straight and pointed to my wrists. "Yeah well, looks like I found a weakness."

I looked at my wrists and saw the wraps that they were in. I lightly touched them. I undid the pin on one and peeled it off. They had healed leaving a few scabs and little scars. I waved it in his face. 'Not a weakness, dipshit.' April popped her head over my shoulder. "Hold up. How come I didn't hear about this? It's about dann time someone showed you your place." She crossed her arms.

Leo crossed his arms. "Well, I was distracted." I let out a quiet giggle. 'By what?' He held my chin in his hands and made me look at him. "I don't know, cosas Calientes. Why don't you tell me?" I smirked. 'I wanna hear you confess that I'm better.' I held his hand and twisted it. "Ow, ow, ow! Okay, you win!" His other hand tapped on the table.

I let go. There was a shuffle at the door. I looked over and saw Raph and Donnie standing there in shock. I read the room. Everyone was shocked. I held my hands out and flipped them out. 'What?' April held my shoulder and turned me around. She felt my face. "Did you just flirt back with Leo?" Mikey said holding up a spatula with a pancake on it.

I looked back to Leo. He was holding his hand. He had the same confused expression that I wore. I pulled April's hands off me and gestured to him. 'Can you not tell? He's literally g-' Leo lifted my hand and stopped me from finishing. He had sweat dripping off his face. "Uhu... un memento."

He pulled me past the two that stood at the door and into some kind of arcade room. He pulled my attention to him as he seated at my hands. "How did you know?" He whispered yelled. I shrugged. 'It was either you are overly confident of your gay.' His face grew red. I pointed at it. 'That is not overly confident.'

He moved his hands around and then settled. 'Please don't tell them.' Wow. He actually used sign. I gave him a reassuring look and patted his shoulder. 'Relax, pretty boy.' I pointed to my lips. 'I can't, remember?' He sighed and slouched. "Right..." I smiled. 'Now let's head back. I think the others are waiting for us.'

Word count: 1013
A/n: ... Okay, so many I wanted to add the fact that he's gay. So what? We all know it! If you disagree or don't like it. Then fuck off. I don't care. Thank you and goodbye.

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