[ Chapter 86 : Powerful People ]

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" Walk with me " I look at Arissa and she offers me her arm.

I take it as we walk out of this room, I pass Faris and he shut the door behind us as he follow.

~ Time Skip ~

We are currently in the biggest room of the house which is our main hall that's connected to the foyer. The door is shut and Jemma is outside because apparently the only ones allowed in this room is me, Laurence, Paige, Amelia, Mrs. Vaitla, and Derek.

It's been a few minutes into the session and I can tell all the council here are giving the look of intimidation which is intimidating. Though I don't show how bothered I am, but it is.

" Y/n was born with the immunity magic, it is real, my niece will prove it " Mrs. Vaitla said then gesture to Paige.

Paige approaches me as I sit on this chair, she takes my hand as flame engulf her other hand.

" The phoenix flame? " One man asked.

She moves her hand under mine and I just watch as the flame burn under my hand but I feel no pain nor is it hot. It's just there and Paige touch my hand making the fire just extinguished itself.

" That's impossible " a woman said.

" You have just witness it with your own eyes, I believe it " the queen said.

Paige let go of my hand and walk away to the table with Laurence.

" It could be black magic, Your Majesty, such trick can deceive you in a blink of an eye " another man said.

Damn, even that demonstration doesn't convince them?

" If it is black magic then she would show the signs of someone who practice such arts " the blond man said.

" Your suggesting we examine for rotten spots? " Mrs. Vaitla asked.

" When a woman truly deal in dark witchcraft, she cannot hide it " said the woman from before.

" A nasty rot sets in, it shows in her teeth, in her skin and her eyes. . .unless your afraid that we would find something? " She asked.

" I will allow it, someone check her " Hendrix said.

I hug my belly as I see one knight approach me, I sit here still when he lift my chin up and I glare up at him as he begin by lifting my eyelids, lips, hair and it started to get annoying as he look through my hair, pulling down my collar and he pushes down the collar on my chest.

I slap his hand away.

" I'm clean! " I said and he steps away to turn to the king and queen.

" There's no spots " he said then walk away.

I adjust my collar back up as the feeling of disgust sets in when I put back on the button, looking over to Laurence, I can see him clenching his hands but his face is holding in the composure. I also hold it in, that knight was just lucky I didn't throw a punch.

" Maybe it is not black magic as we theorize, it could be a jinx like what our citizens says " one man said.

" A jinx is different, that is bringing bad luck, it has nothing to do with her immunity " Derek said.

" Maybe it will bring us bad luck to our kingdom in the future, who knows what she'll do, it'll bring anarchy to us " the blond man said.

" A calamity is maybe more a suitable word " I look over to Mrs. Vaitla and she didn't even glance at me.

That's even worse.

" But I believe it is not that, it's a gift, Amelia Zvahl has a better theory for you " she gesture to Amelia who stood up and she walks around the table over to me.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن