Chapter 62. Show me love⚠️⚠️

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⚠️Mature content ahead. I have put ⚠️ warning sign at the start and end of the scene so you know where to skip.

Vinay had told Rocky to stay back as Appupa was coming to visit them via his trip to Dubai. As he wanted to meet his grandchild and console her for the recent events that had befall on her.

Vinay was silently driving through the road. Sonia spoke to break the silence.

"Mr. Vinay, what was the dance form that you studied in college?"

"Hm...contemporary." Vinay answered her.

Sonia nodded her head and further asked

"Then, why did you stop dancing. I mean you dance so well. So, what was the reason?"

Vinay scrunched his eyebrow and spoke

"Um...I got busy with studies to take care of dad's business. So, couldn't concentrate on it." He smiled at her.

"It's ok, Mr. Vinay. Since I practice in the community hall. You can also join me sometimes. We can teach each other our dance moves. Hm..." Sonia assured him with a pat on his shoulders.

Vinay looked at her lovingly for her concern.

It was late in the afternoon. The sky was turning darker. Vinay opted to park at a nearby café to have a light lunch and move towards their destination.

They were having their lunch in the café discussing their trip. When it started drizzling badly.

They looked outside the café window and got tensed.

"Mr. Vinay, how we are going to travel in this weather? It's raining badly!" Sonia told him gaining a worried look from him.

Vinay then called the vineyard owner to ask him the distance from their current location. And the possibility of travel in this weather.

Vinay came back to Sonia and said "It seems we have another 2 kms to travel. The weather doesn't seem to stop some time now. We need to spend the night somewhere here."

Sonia was worried as to how they would end up in such an awful situation.

Vinay held her hand and assured "Don't worry. I will take care of everything. Hm..."

Sonia nodded at his assurance.

Vinay went to check for rooms with the café owner. The café had some spare rooms to occupy distant travellers.

Vinay told her that the café had one room to spare as many were travelling through the similar roads.

They went towards their room and Vinay thanked the waiter for the spare cloths for them to change.

Since the weather was humid during the day, they were totally drenched in smelly sweats. Vinay told her to wash and change in the clothes given by the café owner.

"Mr. Vinay, these clothes aren't enough for me." Sonia spoke from inside the washroom.

Vinay was trying to contact Rocky to tell their current location.

He heard her and spoke

"Sonia, come out in whatever you are! It doesn't make any difference. I really need to take a bath. Please!"

The Gandharva's Muse (Devil&Angel Series#1)✅Where stories live. Discover now