Chapter 11. Marriage on the cards for SoVin

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At Menon's house,

Sonia's room

"Drink the soup fully. You have to take your medicines, Nia" Rekha said bringing the spoon towards Sonia's mouth.

"No. I am feeling nauseated. I might throw it up. I had enough. I will just have my medicine and sleep." Said Sonia coughing lightly.

"Oh ok. Lie down then." Saying so Rekha pulled the duvet over Sonia's body to cover her up, so that she can sweat her temperature down.

"Nia, I know for sure that work pressure or the wedding is not the reason behind your stress. You really need to get out this situation. It is taking a toll on your health." Rekha remarked.

Sonia frowned at her truth and looked down at the floor.

"I am trying my best, Reh." Sonia assured her friend looking at her with a tired face.

"Hmm..." Saying so Rekha got up to leave so that her friend to take some rest.


"I am going to invite him for the wedding." Sonia said gaining her bestie's attention.

Rekha looked back at her with a shock, but regained herself.

She just smiled and nodded at her friend.

Saying so Sonia went back to sleep.

Rekha was worried about her friend. She knew that if her friend would keep this relationship, it would only decompose her, internally.

She wanted to rescue her friend from it.

But all she could do now was wait.

Wait for the right time.

"Nandini! How are you?!" Meera hugged her friend.

Both of them sat on the couch in the living room.

"So, how is everything? How is Reena's sister?" Meera enquired.

"Everything is good. Vanitha had a baby boy. She is fine. Reena is still in the hospital with her and the new-born." Nandini explained.

"By the way, how is Sonia? I came to see her." Nandini asked.

"Oh, she is sleeping right now. Her friend was giving her the medicine." Meera gave a worried look.

"Oh, that's good. Let her take rest. I bought her some of my homemade soup for fever and stress. Please give her when she is awake." Saying so Nandini handed her the bag.

"Oh, there was no need for this! She will be fine after sometime, Nandini." Meera said.

"It is for regaining her strength back. She was already looking tired during the event. She needs to take a break from her hectic schedule." Nandini told to Meera with a worried look.

"Hmm..." Meera smiled weakly and nodded her head in approval.

"Aunty, where are the peppercorns? I want to put it in Sonia's herbal soup. I couldn't find it." Rekha called from the kitchen.

"It is in the last cabinet, upper drawer. Wait, come here child. I will introduce you to my friend." Meera called Rekha to the living room.

"Yes Aunty." Rekha came towards them.

"Nandini, meet Rekha. She is my Sonia's best friend." Meera chimed side hugging Rekha.

Rekha greeted Nandini by joining her hands with a smile.

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