Chapter 64. Don't go!

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They were getting ready to travel back to Mumbai. It was silence during the entire flight.

Vinay glanced at Sonia to atleast get a look from her. But she was adamant.

Even when Vinay tried to cuddle with her in the car, she rejected his moves and distanced from him.

He had really triggered her this time.

In Mumbai

Vinay had to attend the office meeting arranged by Sameer to discuss the trip.

Mr. Menon had objected to the same but Sameer was adamant to proceed with the meeting just to irritate Vinay.

Vinay had an idea of what his brother-in-law wanted and that was irritate him to the brim. But he was not going to fall for his trick and break his attitude.

Sonia was unpacking her bag when Reena called her to the living room for a surprise.

Sonia went to the living room to see her bestie running towards her for a tight hug.

Mrs. Nair and Reena laughed at their antics earning a wary giggle from Veena.

"So, how is my bestie, hm...?" Rekha asked her enjoying the refreshments in front of her.

Reena was also listening to them eagerly. Mrs. Nair picked Veena and let the youngsters enjoy their time.

Reena also nodded her head in excitement.

"Nothing much," Sonia shrugged their excitement while munching on the cookies.

Rekha and Reena looked at each other in doubt. But when Reena looked back at Sonia her mouth opened wide.

She signalled Rekha to her sight of vision. Rekha too was totally shocked.

Sonia looked back at their shocked faces and asked them the reason.

Both smiled weirdly and looked at each other wiggling their eyebrows.

Rekha initiated "So, nothing much, huh? Care to explain this!" She slightly removed the shawl covering Sonia's neck.

Sonia jolted at her actions and glared at her. Rekha and Reena just wiggled their eyebrows at her.

Sonia went to the mirror hanged in the corridor and gasped biting her lips.

Rekha and Reena slowly strode to her and placed their hands on her shoulders.

Sonia gulped trying to find a way to get of the awkward situation.

She was getting angry at Vinay for leaving not one but three hickeys on her neck and shoulders!

Sonia turned to them smiling weirdly and spoke

" door...yeah!"

Both gave her 'I know' look and shaked their heads.

"So, my brother is a cupboard for you. Mhm!" Reena asked her nodding her head.

Rekha snickered at her remark. Sonia pushed them irritated and went to have her munchies in the living room.

Both caught hold of each other and started giggling non-stop.

"It's normal, Nia. I mean just cover it with some makeup next time. Ok?" Reena told her waving her hand after plopping on the couch.

The Gandharva's Muse (Devil&Angel Series#1) | 21+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt