Two Birds - Clancy Gray

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Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away
And the other watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar

It was another magical night at East River. Sure, it might not have been perfect, but anything would seem magical after the two years you spent in Caledonia. You were sitting next to Clancy on a log in front of the campfire, listening to a young Yellow tell the story of when she first discovered her abilities. You tried to pay attention, but it was late and after a long day of working you could feel your eyes slowly drift closed. You felt an arm around you, and immediately jolted awake, before relaxing when you realized it was just Clancy pulling you over to rest your head on his shoulder.

You relaxed once more, and felt yourself beginning to drift off, the voice of the yellow and Clancy's warmth lulling you to sleep. Just as you were about to drift off, you heard it. The steady thrum of helicopters nearing East River. You woke up immediately, looking to the sky to see three helicopters flying directly overhead. Before you could even stand up, trucks began driving in through the entrances. You were surrounded.

I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand

"Clancy, what's happening?" you asked, panic rising in your voice.

But he didn't say anything. Instead he stood up, beginning to walk over towards where the helicopters were lowering their ladders.

"Clancy?" you asked once more.

"I'm sorry," he said, turning to look at you, before continuing to his destination.

You felt your entire body run cold. He knew about this. He planned this. East River was just a set up. Your so-called "paradise" had turned out to be a trap all along. You couldn't think, you couldn't even move, it felt like your entire world had just fallen apart. How could he do this to everyone? How could he do this to you? 

Two birds on a wire
One says "C'mon" and the other says "I'm tired"
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry
One more or one less
Nobody's worried

You barely even registered the figures climbing down the ladders until you saw the flames begin to spread. So this had been his plan all along. Give up the location of East River to get the PSFs to come, and to bring Reds along with them. You sat there and watched in horror as the place you had come to call home went up in flames. Cabins burned and children screamed all around you. But you still couldn't move.

You were betrayed. You were heartbroken. All you could think about was how stupid you had been. Why would Clancy ever love you? Sure you were both Oranges, but you had no idea how to use your abilities. He had tried to teach you how to use them, but it had been fruitless. About two months in you told him that it was pointless. He had assured you that it didn't matter if you couldn't use them, but you knew better. He saw himself as better than you, as better than everyone at East River. Maybe things would've been different if you could figure out your abilities. Or maybe he's just too narcissistic to care about anyone else but himself.

Before you could even react, a pair of arms grabbed you harshly and zip tied your hands together, dragging you away from where you had been sitting. Slowly you registered the movement and realized what was happening. You were getting taken back to a camp. And judging by the fact of having already escaped a camp once, you were going to end up somewhere way worse than Caledonia.

I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand

It had almost been a year since you were taken to Thurmond. Almost a year since the guy you thought you love betrayed you and hundreds of other kids, all sent to camps or worse.

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