Love Me Or Love Me Not? - Enoch O'Conner

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Life at the children's home was... interesting to say the least. Things never really changed, but at the same time they never stayed the same. While that does seem confusing, it's mainly because of the loop. Time passes for everyone else. Just not for you, or the group of children you've come to know as your family.

But while time never really passes, stuff is constantly changing. New relationships forming, old ones ending. Feelings being developed or lost. See even though you all looked like children, you were really much older. And with being older comes love. And also the inevitable heartbreak.

That's how you ended up here, locked in your room, crying your eyes out. You were feeling incomprehensible hurt, and no one but you knew why. Well, no one but you and Enoch. He was the reason for your tears and sorrow. But it seemed like he couldn't bring himself to care.

You had been dating for a few months by now. At first the two of you were inseparable, never wanting to leave each other. But as your relationship went on, the distance between the two of you grew. It got to the point that whenever you tried to talk to him, he just walked away. To say his actions hurt you were an understatement.

What currently led to you crying was that you saw Enoch with Olive. You weren't a jealous person, and wouldn't be upset seeing them together under normal circumstances, but you and Enoch were supposed to have a picnic today. You had gotten everything ready, but when you went to find him, he claimed he didn't feel good.

You weren't upset, and even offered to spend the day with him while he rested, but he declined. You went back to your room, decided to spend the rest of the day buried in your books.

But all it took was a quick glance out the window to spoil your mood. Enoch was outside with Olive. He lied to you. He's never done anything like that before, and your heart shattered. Your mind filled with thoughts. Bad ones. Since your peculiarity was a prophetic one, you never could tell which thoughts to believe.

But at a moment of weakness, you gave in. You let your mind believe every dreadful thought that entered. He didn't love you anymore. He never did. He was in love with Olive. He was going to leave you.

You dropped your book, and let the building tears fall freely. You pulled you legs into your chest, and buried your face in your knees. You just couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't take being ignored and lied to anymore.

And you were going to do something about it.


It was after the reset, and everyone was supposed to be sleeping. But knowing Enoch, you figured he wouldn't be asleep for a few more hours. You quietly opened your door, and slipped out, silently walking down the hall towards his room.

You knocked lightly on the door, and waited a few minutes. You were about to walk away, when Enoch finally opened the door. He gasped slightly as he saw your eyes, red and puffy from your crying.

Gently you pushed him aside and walked into his room. He shut the door and turned to gave you, a solemn expression on his face.


"Don't. Just don't. Let me talk," you said cutting him off.

He nodded and you continued.

"What happened to us Enoch? We were so happy together. And now you can barely look at me without trying to run away. You keep ignoring me, and I just can't do it anymore. I can't keep pretending that nothings wrong. Obviously you don't love me anymore. But what I don't get is why you didn't just tell me? It's fine if you don't love me anymore, but I deserve to know!"

You sniffled slightly, and realized you were crying once more. Before you had a chance to wipe away your tears, Enoch walked toward you and gently cupped your face, brushing them off.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry that I hurt you. Trust me, I didn't want to. I just... I didn't know how to deal with everything. Loving someone, that's new to me. I've never felt for someone the way I do for you. It scared me y/n. I- I love you, and it scared me."

You stared into his eyes, and smiled softly, before wrapping your hands around the back of his neck. You pulled him down slightly, and met your lips with his.

Moments later you pulled away to breathe. You pulled him into a hug, and slowly he wrapped his arms around you in return.

"I love you too," you said softly.

You buried your face in his neck, savoring the feeling of being close to Enoch once more. And this time, you were never going to let him go.

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