Fall In Love With A Girl - Robin Buckley

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You can't force him to love you
He can't expect you to be alright
With all the bullshit he gives you
You wake up drenched in mosquito bites

You could still remember the day you first met Robin. Your boyfriend had just dumped you in the middle of your date, leaving you alone in Starcourt Mall. You wandered around a bit, tears in your eyes, before stumbling upon Scoops Ahoy. You sat at a table furthest away from everyone, and rested your head in your arms, which you had folded on the table. In the midst of your silent tears, you felt someone sit next to you.

You looked up to be met with the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. You vaguely remembered seeing her around school last year, but she was so much prettier up close. She smiled softly at you and slid a cup of strawberry ice cream over to you.

"You looked like you could use some ice cream."

You returned her small smile and pulled the cup closer to you.


"Of course. I'm Robin by the way."


"I know you don't really know me, but wanna talk about it?"

The two of you had spent the next few hours talking about your shitty ex-boyfriend and how you deserved better. You had tried to pry about her ex-boyfriends but she brushed it off saying that she didn't have any. She had made you laugh louder than you thought possible, and turned what you thought was the worst day of your life, into one of the best.

But if you fall in love with a girl
She'll make you feel like the world is on your shoulder
When you're holding her hand
The first time that you kiss, you'll smell lilacs on her lips
And when you need a little space
You know that she'll understand

You had let it slip to Robin that you liked girls during one of your many sleepovers that summer. She looked shocked at how openly you admitted it, and you almost took her shock as her rejection of it.

"I- I get it if you think that's weird. Like oh my god how could they like girls they've only dated guys before. I know it's weird, I-"

Robin had cut you off and started rambling faster than you ever thought possible.

"No! No, I don't think it's weird! I mean I've never heard of someone liking both guys and girls but it's not weird! I was just surprised at how easily you admitted that, cause like most people would be against that. But I'm not! Seriously! I like girls too! That's why I didn't have any ex-boyfriends to talk about when we were making fun of yours. I've never been with a guy before. I mean I've never been with a girl either. Not that I don't want to. It's just I was so heartbroken after Tammy, and I thought I would never like someone again. But now I do like someone again, and the thought of talking to them about it is like terrifying! Not that I don't want to, I just like don't know how they'll react. Well I kinda do cause like apparently they like girls but-"

Robin paused, realizing what she had just said. Her eyes went wide, and she looked away from you. You smiled widely as you reached over and turned her head to face you. Robin's eyes hesitantly met yours, anxiety evident behind them.

"Robin, I like you too." Your cheeks were hurting from how wide you were smiling.


"Yes really! God I've liked you ever since that day you gave me free ice cream to cheer me up. I mean before then I had always thought you were pretty, but I fell hard after getting to know you."

She smiled sheepishly, not so nervous around you anymore.

"I've kind of had a crush on you since last year. When I saw you crying at that table I saw a chance and just took it. I hope this isn't like rude, but I'm so glad he dumped you in the middle of the mall."

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