Please Don't Cry - Nancy Wheeler

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"Nancy?" you asked softly, gently knocking on her door.

When you didn't get a response you knocked again, slightly louder this time. But still nothing. You knew she was here, at least that's what Mike told you when he let you in. But now you weren't so sure.

"Nancy, I'm coming in."

You slowly opened her door and immediately spotted her, clutching her legs to her chest, silently sobbing. You closed her door behind you, before rushing to her side.

"Nancy? Baby what's wrong?" you asked in a soft voice.

At first she didn't say anything. She just leaned herself onto your chest, and buried her face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around her and hugged her tightly.

The two of you didn't move for a while. You lazily traced shapes on her back with your finger, trying to comfort her. Slowly she picked her head up and looked at your. Your heart shattered when you finally saw her face.

Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, dried tears and mascara running beneath them. Her expression was somewhere between fear and sadness, the mixture of the two showing itself in the way of her wide eyes and trembling lower lip. She looked miserable, and seeing her like this hurt you like nothing else could.

"What happened?" you asked softly, hoping she would finally let you in on what was causing her so much distress.

"Every time I close my eyes, it's like I'm back there. I always have this feeling that I'm going to be pulled back, or that the creature without a face is going to come for me. I can't escape it no matter what I do," she whimpered out, trying to hold back another wave of her tears.

You brought your hands up to her face and gently brushed her tears away, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Nancy wrapped her arms around your torso, clinging to you tightly, fear still overcoming her.

"Do you want me to spend the night? My parents won't mind."

"Yeah, I'd like that," she said with a soft smile.
Your heart warmed at the sight. Just being there was helping Nancy feel better, and you were overjoyed at the idea of her being happy again.

You repositioned yourself to be laying down, and Nancy crawled back into your arms, laying her head in your chest. You laid an arm over her, holding her tightly.

Eventually her breathing evened out and Nancy fell asleep, finally feeling at peace. You smiled as you took in her sleeping form. She looked to beautiful like this. So peaceful. All traces fear and worry were gone from her face, leaving nothing but a small smile behind.

You felt yourself start to drift off as well. Taking your last few moments of consciousness to utter three words you've never said to her before.

"I love you."

As soon as the words left your mouth, you fell asleep. But what you didn't know was that Nancy wasn't entirely asleep yet. She heard the words that you said to her.

"I love you too."

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