Fireflies - Jimmy Darling

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"You better not let me trip!" you said in between laughs.

Jimmy was currently leading you somewhere for a surprise, and to make sure you had no clue where you were going, he covered your eyes with his hand as he helped lead you along. You had almost fallen about five times now, and he had caught you every time.

"I won't, I promise!"

After a few more steps, the two of you came to a stop. You felt excitement beginning to build up in you. Jimmy had been ecstatic about this surprise, and some of his excitement transferred over to you. Jimmy took his hand away but you kept your eyes closed just incase.

"Ok, you can open your eyes now!"

Once you did, a huge smile took over your face. Jimmy had set up a picnic in the fields behind the show grounds. There was a small blanket surrounding by fairy lights, and all your favorite foods were there.

"Ma had to help me with the food, I'm not exactly the greatest at cooking."

You turned to him and tackled him in a hug.
"Thank you Jimmy, this is amazing."

"It's no problem. I'd do anything for you," he replied, returning your smile.

He grabbed your hand and led you over to the blanket. The two of you sat there for hours, even after you finished eating, talking and looking at the stars above you. Everything was perfect, and you couldn't be happier.

"Jimmy look! Fireflies!" you said, pointing over to the glowing bugs that began to fill the sky.

Without missing a beat, Jimmy pulled two jars from the picnic basket and handed one to you.

"I heard you talking about how you've always wanted to catch fireflies, so I thought I might as well come prepared."

You smiled brightly once more, and stood up before grabbing his arm and pulling him up with you. You ran over into the field and slowly held up your open jar, and you moved it through the air, collecting a few lightning bugs.

Jimmy smiled as he walked over to you. You looked so happy, and he felt his heart swell. He loved making you happy, he always thought your smile was the cutest thing. Jimmy opened his jar to try and catch a few fireflies, but he always missed, the bugs flying away from him before he could catch any.

You laughed softly at him as you watched the frustration begin to grow on his face.

"You're being too aggressive darling. If you move slower they'll let you catch them."

Jimmy nodded, and followed your instructions, and soon one lone firefly flew into his jar. His face lit up as he showed it to you, feeling very proud of himself.

"Thank you for tonight Jimmy, it was amazing."

He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him.

"I love you y/n," he whispered softly to you.

"I love you too."

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