The Evan's See Your SH Scars

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Tate Langdon

- he would show you his and talk to you about them

- he would then make you promise to never cut yourself again

- he throws your blades away so you don't feel tempted

- every time you talk about wanting to cut again, Tate hugs you tightly and makes you feel loved, trying to convince you to not harm yourself again

Kit Walker

- he would start crying

- immediately pulls you into a tight hug
he makes you promise that you will never harm yourself again

- he doesn't let you near sharp objects for a while

- he constantly checks your arms cause he's worried about you

Post-Death Kyle Spencer

- he wouldn't completely understand why you were doing that to yourself

- but he knows it's bad

- he would hug you tightly while you cry into his shoulder

- he would try his best to get you to stop harming yourself

Jimmy Darling

- he would start crying and hug you tightly

- he would blame himself and somehow think that he's the reason you harmed yourself

- you'd have to assure him that it's nothing to do with him

- and he'd help you to stop harming yourself

- he presses kisses to your scars when you're insecure about them

- he's always gentle with your arms

James March

- he would be shocked that you would ever do something like that

- his heart would shatter when he first sees the scars

- he'd ask you why you did this to yourself

- when you said that it's cause you were sad he'd do everything to make you feel better

- he'd buy you many gifts and try to spend more time with you, hoping to make you happier

Kai Anderson

- he found out while you were linking pinkies

- he asked you what you were most insecure about and you said your scars

- you hadn't cut in a while but Kai is still concerned

- while he isn't the most caring person, he doesn't want to see the one person he loves hurting themselves

- makes you promise to stop and doesn't let you near knifes or blades anymore

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