Drunk - Mallory

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"Okay, that's enough for you," Mallory said, pulling the half filled cup out of your hand before placing it down on a table.

"Nooooo," you slurred, trying to reach for your cup, wanting nothing more than to finish your drink, not realizing you were extremely drunk.

"Y/n, you've had enough. Come on, let's get out of here, we should probably get back."

You whined softly, but followed Mallory anyways. You clutched her hand tightly, struggling to find her balance. The two of you walked out of the party you were at, and started walking back to Robichaux's.

After a few minutes you arrived in front of the school. Mallory helped you walk up the stairs, since you were too drunk to walk straight.

"Remember to be quiet, ok? Cordelia's probably sleeping."

You nodded along and mumbled an agreement of, "Cordelia sleeping."

Mallory laughed softly at your response, and then pushed the door open, gasping suddenly when she saw Cordelia standing in front of the door.

"Where were you two?"

Before Mallory could answer, you took it upon yourself to reply to her.

"Shhhhhhhh, be quiet. Cordelia's sleepingggg."

Mallory sighed and then said, "Y/n, that is Cordelia."

"Oh great jobbbb, you woke her upppp."

"Mallory, how much did y/n have to drink?" Cordelia asked, struggling to hold back her own laughter at your drunken state.

"I don't know, I left her alone for like five minutes and then she was like this."

"Well, you got her this drunk, so you have to deal with her," Cordelia said before walking away, and heading back to her room.

"Come on y/n, let's get you ready for bed."

"I don't wannaaaa go to bed. It's time to partyyyy!"

"Y/n, we did party, remember? Now it's time to go to bed."

"I don't wanna go to bed. I wanna be with you."

"Y/n, we share a room."

Your eyes lit up at her statement.

"We do?"

"Yep, we are dating after all, of course we share a room."

You gasped when she said that.

"You're my girlfriend?! Oh my god can this night get any better?!"

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