Dating The Emmas Would Include

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Madison Montgomery

- Madison was drawn to you the second she first laid eyes on you

- she thought you were the most beautiful person she'd ever seen

- in the following weeks she did everything she could to get closer to you

- she helped you with almost everything

- and spent almost every second of every day with you

- eventually you caught on to her feelings for you and you told her that you liked her as well

- the two of you started dating, and Madison still tried to stay close to you

- she's had issues with being abandoned in her past, and thought that if she just never lost sight of you, you wouldn't leave her

- you found her constant presence endearing

- you also constantly reassured her that you weren't going anywhere

- the other girls at the academy thought you guys were adorable together

- and you were a great influence on Madison

- she started to be a little nicer, and slowly opened up to more people, letting her true self shine through

- the two of you went on dates all the time, and took turns planning them

- her dates usually consisted of clubs or parties, ending in drunk sex

- yours were more quieter and intimate, wanting to spend time with her, without loud drunk people

- contrary to what she seems, Madison is pretty submissive in relationships, wanting to keep
her partner close and make them happy

- she usually let you take charge in most situations, including sex

- rarely ever did she try to dominate you

- she spent most of her life being defensive, so she cherished being able to let her guard down around you

- she felt safe with you, and she hasn't felt that with a person in a long time

- you were both the happiest you've ever been when you were together

- and neither of you let anything come in between your relationship

Maggie Esmerelda

- you first met Maggie when she joined the freakshow for her psychic abilities

- you were absolutely enchanted by her

- she was gorgeous and she didn't care that you were different

- of course you didn't have it as bad as the others

- you were incredibly flexible, which was easy to hide

- but you never wanted to leave the show, they were your family

- and this was your home

- Maggie was now apart of this family, and the idea of getting to be close to her excited you

- the two of you grew closer as time went by, and soon the feelings between the two of you were mutual

- as soon as you started dating, the rest of the show was super supportive, and defended you against anyone who spoke badly about your relationship

- you and Maggie had plenty of chances to leave, but neither of you wanted to

- you were perfectly happy staying here, in a place where you belonged

- due to all of the discrimination the freaks faced in town, you coudln't go on dates there
so you made due with what you had

- riding the ferris wheel together late at night, having picnics down by the lake, and having sex in the fields behind the show, trying not to get caught

- it was thrilling to not have to hide your relationship from the other freaks

- hiding from the world was bearable, but you and Maggie were happy to be accepted by the people you both loved

- when she was with you Maggie felt like she belonged

- and when you were with her, you felt happier than you've ever been

- she was your home, and you were hers

- you never wanted to be apart, and since you lived together, you rarely had to be

- soon you both moved into the same trailer, and you never had to be apart any longer

- you and Maggie spent the rest of your lives at the show

- and you savored every second of it

Brooke Thompson

- you met Brooke when you volunteered to be a counselor and Camp Redwood

- little did you know that night would change your life in more ways than one

- the two of you stuck together during the slaughter, and managed to blame the whole thing on Montana

- when you finally did get out, you still didn't want to leave each other

- you'd lost all of your friends, and you were the only person she knew

- Brooke moved in with you within a matter of weeks, and you both only grew closer

- soon you both began to develop feelings for each other

- one night you couldn't hold it in anymore, and you confessed your feelings to her

- the night escalated, and you both ended up losing your virginity to each other

- you started dating, and you've never been happier

- Brooke was your missing piece

- she completed you

- and you completed her

- in the months following the events at Camp Redwood, you kept having nightmares about all the things you witnessed

- and Brooke was always right there to comfort you

- the two of you were practically inseparable, and you wouldn't have in any other way

- you guys didn't really go on dates in public, finding the comfort of your home to be much more romantic

- you watched all your favorite movies together, or spent the night clumsily dancing in your living room

- it wasn't much, but it was all you've ever wanted

- she was all you've ever wanted

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