My Little Angel - James March

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"Wow this place is beautiful," you thought to yourself as you walked into the Hotel Cortez.

You looked around at the patterned red carpets, beautiful chandeliers, and the grand staircase. The whole place seemed so peaceful, just absolutely pefect for a relaxing weekend.
You walked over to the front desk and rang the bell. Moments later a short old lady with gray hair walked out of the back room. She had a smile on her face, but you could tell it was forced. Still, you smiled back, hoping that some kindness might make her day better.

"Hi I have a reservation," you said as she went to open the guest book.

"Name?" she coldly asked you.

"Y/n L/n."

She turned around and walked to a wall of room keys, plucked one off, and turned back around handing it to you.

"Room 64. Liz please show her to her room," she said as she dropped the key in your hand.

Another lady, this one far more extravagantly dressed, walked out of the back room and headed towards the elevator. You quickly grabbed the handle of your suitcase and followed behind her. You rode in silence until the elevator doors opened.

"So what brings you to the Hotel Cortez," she said with little emotion in her voice.

"Oh, I just wanted a weekend to myself. Things back home have been getting a little stressful," you timidly replied.

"Well I think you're going to enjoy your stay. Here's your room, have a nice day," she said as she turned around and walked off.

"You too," you said quietly.

You slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. You gasped when you saw how beautiful the room was. You walked inside, locking the door behind you. You let your suitcase fall to the floor, as you slipped your shoes off and headed for the bed. You collapsed onto the cool sheets, and sunk slightly into the mattress.

"Oh yes, I think you'll do nicely," you heard a voice say.

You quickly sat up and saw a middle aged maid with red hair standing at the foot of my bed. You quickly stood up and walked over to her.

"How did you get in my room?" you asked her.

"Oh that's not important dear," she said as she pulled out a damp cloth.

Before you could say anything else, she pressed it to your face, a chemically smelling odor filling your lungs. The world around you started to spin and fade away. Then your body went limp.

"Mr. March I found a new victim for you. I made sure to tie her up so none of the other spirits got to her first," you heard the maid say.

Slowly you lifted your head up and looked around to see the maid talking to a man. He was tall, with slick black hair, and a small mustache. They were mumbling something to each other but you couldn't hear what they were saying anymore.

You went to move your arms, but couldn't. You looked down and saw that you were tied to a chair. You tried to scream, but all the came out was a muffled whimper due to the cloth tied around your mouth.

You saw something glisten next to you and turned your head to see a display of weapons lying on the ground. Your eyes widened as you realized that you were probably going to die in the next ten minutes.

"Miss Evers, please leave us, and take the tools with you," the man said.

"But Mr. March-"


"Yes Mr. March," Miss Evers said as she rushed over to your side, picking up the weapons before she turned around and left the room.

The man, who you've come to know as Mr. March, walked over to you. You tried to back away, but your attempts were futile because you were tied to a chair. He crouched down in front of you and took the cloth out of your mouth.

"I'm sorry about that darling. Miss Evers seems to get confused as to which people I want to kill, and which people I don't."

"So you're not going to hurt me?" I asked quietly, shaking slightly from fear.

"No. I could never hurt you. Your my little angel. My name is James. What's yours?"

"Y/n," you said as you looked at the ground.

He put hand under your chin, and gently raised it so that your eyes met his.

"That's a beautiful name," he said as he smiled at you.

Your face lit up in a slight blush at his words. He walked behind you and slowly untied most of the ropes.

"Now, before I untie you, I need you to promise. That you will not run away. Can you promise that?"

I nodded slightly as he finished untying me. Part of me was screaming to get up, and run away before he killed me. But the other part told me that I could trust him, and that I should stay.

He walked in front of me and held out his hand.

"Stand up. Let me show you to our room."

"Our room?" I asked him, feeling extremely confused.

"Oh yes, you're my little angel. Now that I have you, I'm never letting you go," he said with a smile on his face.

I grabbed his hand and he helped pull me up. We walked out of the room I was in and headed for the elevator. He pressed the button for the seventh floor and the elevator started to up. When it opened he started walking to a room, pulling me behind him as he still hasn't let go of my hand.

He opened a door and we walked inside.

"Welcome to your new home darling."

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