Starcourt - Mike Wheeler

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You heard something land on the glass ceiling above you. The glass started cracking, small shards falling on you. You didn't have to look to know what it was.

"Mike," you said as you turned to look at him.
He looked up too, fear evident on his face.


The noises got louder, and Mike grabbed you and El, running away, just before the ceiling caved in. The Mind Flayer coming down with it. It screamed at hou, making your heart rate rise. You barely escaped last time. What's gonna happen now?

Everyone ran, barely making it to a safe place, and the Mind Flayer started searching for you. The walkie started crackling and Dustin's voice started coming out.

"Griswold family, this is sccops troop. Do you copy? Over."

"Griswold family, I repeat, the is sccops troop, do you-," Dustin got cut off by the Mind Flayer screaming once more.

You grabbed Mike's hand and held it tightly, fear overtaking you. It's footsteps got closer, until it was right next to you. You thought that you were gonna die. It felt like you couldn't move, you were frozen in fear.

Mike stood up and looked behind him.

"It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it," he said in a whisper.

"No way, not with El's leg," you whispered back.

"We have to try."

"There's another way to get out. Through The Gap," El said as she motioned to the store next to her.

"Okay, now!" Mike whispered as he grabbed your hands.

You ran over towards The Gap. You almost made it in when you knocked something over, alerting the Mind Flayer.

Mike led you to a store display and we hid behind it. But thanks to your carelessness, it knew where you were. It walked over to the store, and it's limbs extended, searching through the store for you.

It grabbed a mannequin and screamed at it, thinking it was El. When it realized that it wasn't, it threw the mannequin across the room, almost throwing it onto you.

It's claw was right next to you. It almost grabbed you, until a noise distracted it. It sounded like a balloon popping. Probably Lucas and his wrist rocket. For once you were grateful for his obsession with that thing.

Mike grabbed you and El, leading you both out of the store. You ran up the stairs, and out the back door, finally making it outside. Mike pressed the buzzer to open the gate, and the three of you almost made it out. But then you saw your brother, Billy.

"Shit!" you yelled as you started to turn around.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled as you both led El back into the mall.

You pressed the button to close the gate and ran after them, hoping it would close in time. We ran back into the mall, and headed for the elevator. It almost opened when a door from down the hall burst opened.

Billy was walking toward you, looking nothing but angry.

"Billy. Billy, you don't have to do this. Billy. Your name is Billy. Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please, I'm y/n. I'm your-," Billy cut me off by hitting me across the head.

You fell into the wall and everything went black.


You slowly opened my eyes and saw Mike laying on the ground. Fear ran through your veins, thinking that he could be dead.

"Mike? Mike. Mike. Mike, get up. Mike, can you hear me? Mike! Mike!"

He started to move and you let out a breath you didn't know you was holding in. You grabbed his hands and helped him up.

"Hey, come on," you said as he stood up.

"You okay?" you asked him.

He nodded and looked around.

"Where's El?" he asked.

Your eyes widened as you looked around. She was nowhere to be seen. He grabbed your hand and you ran back out into the mall.


Fireworks were going off. The noise of the explosions hurting your head. You saw El laying on the ground, Billy standing over her. The Mind Flayer got closer to El. Without thinking you ran forward, tackling Billy and pushing El away.

"No!" you yelled at it.

It's claw went towards El, but you stopped it, grabbing it and holding it above your head. You screamed in pain as it began to cut your skin.
More claws came at you. It grabbed at your sides, cutting into your skin. You screamed again, the pain excruciating. But you couldn't let it have El.

You let go of it's claw as it continued to grab your stomach. The blood loss was making you dizzy, but you kept fighting, even though you knew you were going to die.

The Mind Flayer screamed at you, and you screamed back. Blood was pouring out of you everywhere. The crimson liquid spilled out of your mouth as you began to choke on it.
It's final claw grabbed you, impaling your chest. You felt everything stop. The pain, the agony, the noise. Everything was quiet and peaceful as your world went dark for the last time.


"Y/n!" Mike screamed as he watched the movement of your body stop.

The Mind Flayer let go and you dropped to the ground. And then it stopped. It let out a final screech and fell to the ground, finally dead.
Mike ran over to your body, tears streaming down his face.

"Y/n? Y/n, y/n, please get up. Y/n, get up, please, please," he begged as he stared down at your lifeless body.

You didn't move. You were already gone. Mike started sobbing as he leaned down and hugged your body, not caring about the blood that was covering him.

"Y/n, wake up! Y/n, get up! Please, y/n!" Mike said through his sobs.

His grip on your body only tightened as the realization that you were gone finally hit him. His best friend, the happiest person he knew, the person he loved, was gone. The brightest light in his world had been snuffed out. You were gone. And he was never going to see you again.

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