Don't Tell A Soul - Brooke Thompson

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"Brooke! Brooke where are you?!" you shouted as you ran back towards the cabins.

The past ten hours have been absolute hell. There was three different people trying to kill you, and somehow you've managed to survive. But none of that would have been possible without Brooke. The two of you stuck together all night, barely managing to survive.

Now the sun was finally coming up, and Brooke was nowhere to be found. You'd gotten separated while running from Jingles. And now you couldn't find her. Worry soon crept in. You couldn't stop yourself from thinking that something bad happened to her. She could be injured. Or worse.

Then you heard a scream. Running towards the direction of the noise you saw Brooke on top of Montana, holding a knife. Before you could do anything, she plunged the knife into Montana. She stabbed her, over and over.

"What the fuck?! Brooke, what did you just do?!"

Brooke froze and slowly turned around to face you.

"It's not my fault! I had to! She tried to kill me! She's the one who brought the Night Stalker here!"

"What are you talking about? Montana's my friend, she would never do something like that!" you replied, feeling very confused.

"She blames me for her brother's death, so she got her boyfriend to try and kill me!"

Your eyes widened in shock.

"Hold on, boyfriend?! So you're telling me, that Montana is dating a serial killer?"

"Was. It's kinda hard to date someone when you're dead," she said while motioning to the body below her.

You stood in silence for a moment, letting Brooke's words run through your head.

"Look we can discuss this later. We're the only ones left, and campers are supposed to be arriving soon."

"Are you serious? You still wanna work here after that?!"

"No! But if we're not here and there's bodies everywhere, we're gonna be suspects! So we have to get rid of everything and then get out of here!"

Brooke nodded at your words, and quickly got off of Montana.

"So what do we do first?" she asked you.

"Ok, I'll get rid of the bodies. You can take care of everyone's stuff and the blood."

She nodded once more and walked over towards the cabins. You sighed as you looked down at Montana's body. You grabbed her arm and leg and threw her over your back, before walking towards the lake. You waded into the lake and then dropped her body. You walked around camp, found all the other bodies and dumped them in the lake.

A few tears fell down your face as you got rid of your friends' bodies. All of them were gone. Brooke was the only person you had left. And you barely even knew her. That was probably going to change soon though. Cleaning up a mass murder can be a really bonding event.
You decided to help Brooke since you finished disposing the bodies. You walked back to the cabin and found her frantically running around, trying to shove items into bags.

"Hey, you almost done? I finished with the bodies," you said as you walked closer to her.

"Yeah, just have to pack the rest of the bags. What are we gonna do with all of this anyways?"

You shrugged, "I don't know. Probably find a dumpster and throw everything away."

"How are you so relaxed about this?! They're all dead! Sooner or later someone's gonna find out!"

"I don't know. I guess it's better to busy myself than to let it hurt. They were my family. The only people I had. I'm alone now," you said while looking at the ground.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Brooke standing in front of you.

"No you're not. You have me. And I'm not going anywhere."

A small smile grew on your face. And soon tears were beginning to fall. Everything finally hit you. They were gone. They were all gone. Brooke was all you had. Even though you had lost everyone, you still had her. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.

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