Kandi Crush - Peter Maximoff

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"Hey Peter!" you said, a bright and cheery smile on your face.

A light blush immediately overtook Peter's face as he turned to face you. He hoped that you wouldn't notice.

"Hey y/n! What's up?" he replied, trying and failing to keep his cool.

It was no secret that Peter had a crush on you. And not just the small kind of crush classmates would get on each other that would fade away in a few months. He was head over heels in love with you. Ever since you first arrived at the mansion, he'd been absolutely infatuated with you. And everyone knew. Well everyone except for you.

"I made you another bracelet!" you beamed, holding it out towards him.

The bracelet in your hand was a simple one, a repeating pattern of blue and silver beads. But it made Peter's heart flutter nonetheless. He held out his arm and you slipped it on, right next to the bracelets that you've made him before.

"Thanks y/n, I love it!" he said, blushing even harder.

You must've given him almost twenty bracelets by now, but each time you made him a new one he felt his heart flutter all over again. It made him feel special, even if that wasn't true. Because you made them for everyone. And not just bracelets, no you made all kinds of kandi. Bracelets, cuffs, rings, necklaces and more.

The feeling you'd get when you gave them away was indescribable. You just loved seeing how it would make people's faces light up. Almost every day you would sit in your room and make kandi for hours. You didn't mind spending all your money on beads and all your time crafting. All you really wanted was to make people happy, and this was the best way you knew how to do so.

You've made kandi for almost every single person who lived in the mansion: students, teachers, and even the mutants who were just passing through. But your favorite person to make bracelets for was Peter.

You loved the way his cheeks would tint pink every time you gave him a new one. And you also loved that he never took them off. He was always wearing every single bracelet you gave him, all 27 (you kept count).

You've given him more bracelets than anyone else. If someone asked why, you'd just say he asked you to make him another one. But the truth was, you had a crush on him. And making Peter smile was your favorite thing to do. So you constantly gave him new ones, just to make him happy. Because even though he most likely didn't feel the same, you still loved to see him smile.

You and Peter talked for a few more moments, before the two of you finally parted ways. You were heading back to your room when Jubilee pulled you aside.

"You know he likes you right?" she said, a giddy smile on her face.

"Who?" you asked, not really catching on.

"Peter! He's so obvious about it. You're seriously telling me you haven't realized by now?"

You froze. You felt your heart rate quicken and your face glow hot. He liked you? Peter? The guy you've been in love with for almost two years? That Peter? It sounded too good to be true.

"Helloooo? Earth to y/n," Jubilee said, snapping her fingers in front of your eyes.

You felt yourself come back to reality, and a bunch of new emotions flooded over you.

"Wait, how do you know he likes me?"

She laughed under her breath, "You're serious? He's only been super obvious about it for a few months. You've never noticed how he always blushes when you're around? Or how he stumbles on his words when he's talking to you? God, the amount of times Jean's complained to me about his thoughts about you being super loud!"

You felt a smile begin to grow on your face.

" He really likes you y/n. And I know you like him too. You should tell him! Good luck!"

And with that Jubilee skipped away down the hall, not a care in the world. Meanwhile you couldn't stop your mind from racing. He liked you back! He actually liked you back! Now you just had to figure out a way to tell him. And you had the perfect idea.


"Peter!" you shouted as you ran to catch up with him.

"Hey y/n!" he said, returning the smile that you had.

"Ok so, I may have made you another bracelet," you said, your face growing hot as you handed it towards it.

It was pink and black with heart shaped beads, and letters that spelled out 'I like you'.

You shifted your weight back and forth, as you nervously watched him read what the bracelet said. Even though Jubilee told you that he liked you, you were still scared that he would reject you.

But you felt your heart soar as a smile grew on his face. He slipped the bracelet on and engulfed you in a hug.

"I like you too," he said, a huge smile overtaking his face.

You hugged him back, not only because you wanted to hug him, but to assure yourself that this was real. That this was really happening, that he actually liked you back. You couldn't help but smile even brighter as you finally let yourself take in the fact that this was real.

Peter really did like you back. And you finally had him. Your kandi crush.

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