Forever - Tate Langdon and Violet Harmon

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Today was the day. The day you were finally going to take your life. You'd been mulling over the idea for a few weeks, and by now it was the only thing on your mind. Now you weren't suicidal. Far from it in fact. You had a great life. Amazing friends, loving parents, and the best relationship of your life. You had it all. Except for the fact that your boyfriend and girlfriend were dead. But other than that, everything was perfect.

In the six months you've been with Tate and Violet, you've been happier than you've ever been. Of course your situation was less than ideal, but you made it work. Sure having to spend most days out in the world, away from them, was hard on you. And the fact that the three of you could only ever go out together one day a year didn't exactly help. You loved them. And you wanted to be with them every second of every day for the rest of your life. And that's exactly what you planned to do.

After you got home from school today, you were gonna do it. You were going to end your life, and finally be able to spend all of eternity with your soulmates. Now the only problem was that Tate and Violet don't want you to die. They would absolutely love to be with you forever, but they didn't want you to have to die in order for that to happen.

But you didn't care. You weren't doing this for them. You were doing it for you. All you had to do was sneak up to your room, swallow the bottle of pills you had hidden, and hope Tate and Violet don't find out until you've stopped breathing. Easy peasy. Right?

Your footsteps quickened as anxiety began to flood through you. You could see your house in the distance. Your final resting place. Even though you were sure this is what you wanted, part of you was still nervous. Millions of questions flooded through your brain as you walked through the front gate.

Will it hurt? What will Tate and Violet think? Will they find out? Will they try to stop me? What will my parents think? What's gonna happen to my body? What if it doesn't work? What do I do then? What happens after I'm dead?

You forced your mind to quiet as you stepped through the front door. You walked up the stairs, never taking your eyes off of the ground. You could feel your hands begin to shake as you walked towards your room. This was it. It was finally happening. In no more than a few minutes, you would be dead.

The thought of it terrified you. But it also made you unbelievably happy. So many problems were going to be solved. No more school. No more homework. Just all day, everyday with the loves of your life, or death.

You turned the knob on your door and walked inside, quietly shutting it behind you. You let your backpack slump off of your shoulder, falling to the floor with a dull thud. Your heartbeat quickened as you moved to sit on your bed. You reached over to the drawer in your nightstand and pulled out the bottle of pills you had stashed there, along with a water bottle. Slowly, you opened the bottle and dumped its contents into your hand. This was it. No going back now.

You brought the pills up to your mouth, and dropped them in. You opened the water bottle and downed it, swallowing all of the pills. You dropped the empty bottle beside you, and let yourself fall backwards onto your bed. Your eyes slowly drifted shut as you waited for everything to stop.

Except nothing ever goes according to plan now, does it?

You heard your door open, and quickly sat up to see Tate and Violet walking in. You immediately moved your torso, trying to block the pill bottle beside you, but judging by the looks on their faces, they'd already seen it.

Violet was the first to move, walking over to you and sitting beside you. She placed her hand on top of yours, and waited for you to say something.

But Tate spoke up first.

"Y/n, what are you doing? Why are you-?" he cut himself off, not quite knowing what to say next.

"I did it for us. So that we can finally be together."

"Y/n, we are together," Violet said to you, her voice breaking slightly.

"No, we're not. You guys get to spend all day together, while I barely get to see you. I miss you. And now we can be together. Forever," you said with a small smile on your face.

Tate walked over to sit by the two of you.

"Why didn't you talk to us about this first? We could've found a better way. You didn't need to throw away your whole life like that," Tate tried to keep calm, but he was breaking  on the inside.

He didn't even try to save you. It was too late. After experiencing the same thing with Violet, he knew that he didn't have any chance of saving you. And the thought of having to watch you die right in front of him broke his heart.

"Because I knew you guys wouldn't want me to do this. And I wasn't doing this for you. I was doing this for me. I wanted this. I couldn't take having to spend another day out there, knowing that I could be here with you instead."

"Y/n," Violet trailed off.

She pulled you into a hug. Tate joined in too. And in that moment you felt more loved than you ever have in your life. You tried to move your arms to hug them back, but you couldn't. They were too heavy. Everything was too heavy. And yet, this was the lightest you've ever been. Your mind went blank as you felt everything slow down.

Violet felt you go limp in her arms, and pulled away to see your lifeless body leaning onto her. She hugged your corpse tighter, sobbing. You really did it. You killed yourself, for them. You were stuck with them, forever. Even though Violet wanted to spend every day with you, she didn't want it to happen like this. You were trapped now. Your life was over. You gave up everything, for her.

Tate felt Violet shift, and slowly pulled back. His heart shattered at the sight. Violet was sobbing into your corpse. You were dead. You were really dead. Tate felt a million emotions fill him at once. The worst pain he had ever felt, from having to watch you die. The most anger he's felt in years, at the fact that you felt like you had to do this to be with them. And the most joy he's ever experienced, from knowing that you would be with him forever. You loved him. You loved him so much that you gave up your life. All of it, for him.

And now the three of you could finally be together. Forever.

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