Reader Finding Out Zac Died

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- You wanted all of this to be over

- The fighting

- The division

-The killing

-You wanted it to stop

-You wanted Christopher and Sela to give up, and join your side, ending the war between your sides

-But if you knew what ending it would cost, you'd rather spend the rest of your life fighting

-If it meant that you didn't have to lose Zac

- Christopher and Sela walked into your territory, and everyone aimed their weapons are them

- The next words Christopher said would shatter you

- "Put down your guns. Zac's gone."

- You felt your heart stop

- How could he be gone?

-He promised you that he would be okay

- That he would kill them, and end everything

-And the two of you could be happy together, living out the rest of your life together

-But all of that hope disappeared in two words

- The world around you became a blur

-Words were muffled

-You felt yourself being pulled farther from reality

-And then it all hit you

-He was really gone

-You walked over to them, not bothering to drop your gun

-"Gone? What did you do to him? What happened?!" you screamed, feeling your voice break with each word

-"We opened the airlock. And then he opened the door. He did it to himself," Sela said softly

-"No! You did this! You let him die! You killed him! How could you?!"

-You dropped your gun to the ground with a dull thud before taking off

-You had to get away

-You didn't know where you were heading to, you just couldn't stay there any longer

-You found yourself at the airlock

-You stepped up to the window and gently placed your hand on the glass, staring out into the dark abyss

-He was out there somewhere

-You couldn't get to him

-He was gone

-You were never going to see him again

-The tears you've been trying so hard to hold back burst free

-You let your forehead fall against the glass as you cried

-Everything hurt

-You loved him

-You loved him more than you've ever loved anyone before

-And he was gone

-You were alone now

-"We had to do it y/n. He was going to get everyone killed, I had to do something."

-You tensed up when you heard her voice


-You spun around and shoved her

-She stumbled backwards, but didn't make any attempt to strike back

-"Don't say you had to! You didn't have to kill him! He wasn't going to kill us! He was going to free us! And you didn't like that because it went against those precious little rules you're so obsessed with! So you killed him! Don't even try to make it sound like anything else! It's murder! You killed him!"

-You pushed her harder, making her fall down

-You got on top of her and started punching her, trying to get your emotions out

-Sela tried to push you off, but to no avail

-She was almost unconscious when someone lifted you off

-"Let me go!" you screamed

-"No, you have to calm down," Christopher said, not loosening his grip

-"You- you killed him!"

-With every word you felt the anger leaving you, because deep down you knew they were right

-Zac was going to get everyone killed

-All that was left was pain

-Christopher loosened his grip and you turned around and hugged him tightly, sobbing into his chest

-"I'm sorry y/n, we had to. You understand that, right?"

-You nodded softly, allowing your weight to fall onto him

-Even though it might've been the right thing, knowing that he was gong still hurt

-How were you going to go on without him?

mxlti-fand0m-imaginess tumblr postsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora