You Flinch During An Arguement

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Tate Langdon

"Tell me it isn't true!" you yelled, anger and betrayal flooding through you.

Tate didn't say anything at first, keeping his eyes on the ground. You found out. He didn't know how but you found out. The one thing he tried to keep hidden finally came out. And this definitely wasn't going to end well.

"Tell me it isn't true!" you yelled once more.

"I can't! I did it, alright?! I shot up my school!"

You froze as soon as the words left his mouth. It was true. It was all true. Everything Chad told you was true.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I didn't want you to look at me differently."

While speaking, Tate raised his arm slightly, trying to emphasize his words. But as soon as you saw his arm come up you flinched backwards, putting your arms in front of you to block yourself, preparing to be hit.

"Y/n," Tate said weakly, his voice broken as he watched you cower away from him.

The anger between the two of you was gone. He slowly walked towards you, pulling you into an embrace.

"I would never hurt you. You know that right?"

"Y-yeah," you said through oncoming tears.

"Then why," Tate trailed off, not being able to find the words.

"My ex. He used to hurt me. And I saw you raise your arm and I just thought-," you paused, trying to collected yourself, "I'm sorry."

"No, no you don't have anything to apologize for. You're safe here, and I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

Kit Walker

"You're never home anymore! All I'm saying is that I miss you! I want to be with you!" you yelled out in tears.

What started as a simple comment of how much you missed him throughout the day, exploded into something way more than that. The two of you were screaming at each other, neither wanting to give up their side.

"I'm never home cause I'm working! I'm trying to help us have money! Which is kinda important!" he said while raising his arm to make a point.

But you didn't realize that. Memories came flooded back. Fear came flooding back. In an instant you put your arms in front of your face and backed away.


Kit froze when he saw what you did. All of his anger left him when he saw you react the way you did. Did you think that he would hit you?

"Y/n," he trailed off, pain filling his heart.

You were sobbing now. You lowered your arms, but didn't step any closer to him. You leaned back against the wall and slid to the floor, curling up into a ball.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry," you mumbled out, attempting to speak through your sobs.

"Y/n you have nothing to be sorry about. What happened?" Kit asked softly and he sat down in front of you, still keeping his distance as to not upset you.

"My father, he," you cut yourself off with a heavier sob, not wanting to reminisce any longer.

Kit's heart shattered when he realized what your were saying. He immediately moved closer to you and pulled you into a hug.

"You don't have to see him ever again, I promise. We can move, go somewhere far away from him, if you want. But I will never let him go near you again, I promise."

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