Confession - Lucas Sinclair

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You and Lucas never got along. Ever since you joined the party two years ago, all you and Lucas could do was fight. Normally it didn't really affect much, just an inconvenience to your friends, but then it started to be constant. You couldn't even be in the same room together without fighting.

You would never admit it, but the only reason you fought with Lucas was because you liked him. But having grown up in a household where love wasn't common, you didn't know how to express those feelings. So you did it the only way you could, by fighting.

Lucas didn't want to fight with you at first. He wanted to be closer to you. He really, really liked you. But you didn't seem to feel the same. Whenever you were together, you would start arguing with him. So Lucas just started to argue back.

Things have been like this for the past two years. Slowly becoming more and more unbearable to everyone around them.

The final straw was when you were interrupting something important. El was trying to find Dustin. Everyone sat in silence as they waited for her to find him. Everyone except for you and Lucas.

"How can you even drink that? It's disgusting," you said as you glared at Lucas.

He rolled his eyes at you and continued to drink his New Coke.

"The remake is always better. It's like The Thing, the original is a classic. But the remake," he paused to drink again, "sweeter, bolder, better."

"No, it's really not," you said continuing to glare.

"It's the same concept," he responded.

"It's really not."

"Yes it i-"

"Hey!" Eleven said, cutting him off.

You both apologized and fell silent. Nancy however had something to say to the two of you.

"Okay, we've dealing with your bickering for a while, but this is seriously getting out of had. Why can't you guys just stop this and admit you like each other already?!"

Your face went red while Lucas stared at the ground. Both of you not realizing how noticeable your feelings were. You didn't talk for another few hours. When everyone was making plans at the mall, you didn't say anything. When you had to run back into the mall and hide from Billy, you didn't say one word.

You were silent, until the ceiling caved in and you were face to face with the Mind Flayer. You stared at it in horror, to afraid to move. You felt someone grab your arm and pull you. You ended up behind the counter at hot dog on a stick.

You looked over to see Lucas sitting next to you.

"Are you ok?" he asked worriedly as he looked at you.

"I'm fine, why are you so worried?"

"You haven't said anything to anyone since Nancy yelled at us. I just wanted to know if you were ok."

"I'm fine," you said once more as you looked away.

"She wasn't wrong you know. About me liking you. I do. I have since we first met. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but you've made it quite obvious that you hate me. And-"

You cut him off by kissing him. Lucas is shocked for a moment, but soon kisses you back. You pull away for breath and smile at him.

"I like you too. I just didn't know how to show you," you said softly.

"You just did," Lucas said as he pulled you into a hug.

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