Being Iris's Daughter And Dating James

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- when you first started dating, you had to keep your relationship a secret, knowing your mother would never approve

- she asked you why you were always sneaking off

- liz covering for you say that you were with her

- you and james meeting in secret

- him not understanding why you cared about your mother knowing, but still respecting your wishes

- helping james kill guests

- the ghosts telling your mother that you killed them

- you lying to her saying that they were just confused

- james killing you after he got tired of you leaving

- when iris found out you were dead, she was not happy

- she kept asking who killed you because wanted to yell at them

- when you said it was james she asked why you were with him

- she was shocked when you told her that he was your boyfriend

- she was mad at first

- but seeing how much james cared for you made her warm up to him

- she eventually accepted your relationship and even came to the wedding

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