Come With Me - Jasper Jordan

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"Jasper we have to go!" you pleaded to your best friend.

"I don't wannaaaa," he drunkenly slurred.

"I get that you're sad, and I now you miss Maya, but please! Don't throw your life away. Come with me, we have enough time to make it to the bunker."

"What's the point? I don't have anything to live for."

His words stung as tears built up in your eyes. You weren't enough for him. His best friend wasn't enough to live for.

"I'm not enough for you?"

"Y/n, just go. Leave me here. Let me die," he said, walking away from you.

"Please! Don't do this! I love you!"

Jasper froze, turning around to look at you.

"What did you say?"

"I said I love you! Jasper I've been in love with you since before we were sent down to earth. I've always loved you. So please, come with me. I can't loose you."

Jasper ran over to you, pressing his lips to yours. You smiled slightly, before pulling away from him.

"We can do that later, come on we have to go!"

Jasper quickly pulled on the hazmat suit you brought, and the two of you ran to the car, hoping to get to the bunker in time.

You pulled up just in time, managing to make it in just before the bunker locked. You pulled your hazmat suits off and embraced each other tightly.

"Thank you for coming with me."

"Thanks for not giving up on me," Jasper replied placing a kiss to your cheek.

The two of you walked around, trying to find your friends when the bunker shook. A loud noise sounded from above and the ground was shaking.

"Was that?"

"We're stuck here now," you said turning to him, "at least I'm here with you."

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