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Chaeyoung had lost all train of thought when she heard such a sound. How was this woman beautiful and adorable? Another smile appeared on her face, prompting her to look away.

"Did you ever dress up?" Mina asked, digging into her fruitful crepe, occasionally looking up to look at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung licked her lips and recalled the last time she had dressed up.

"I actually did, last Halloween. I was dressed up in my Hufflepuff cardigan ( the author is a Hufflepuff ). I went with my friend that brought her cat in a stroller. We got candy out of it, but it was still odd." Chaeyoung said.

Mina smiled, nodding. The conversations began to take turns into arrays of topics. Some led to Mina agreeing with Chaeyoung in which made the younger girl more hopeful in their compatibility.

She was engrossed in conversation about Mina's family, laughing at old stories that she wished she was a part of. Politics, and her stance in them. She caught glimpses of the curiosity and wonder in Mina's eyes.

They had both finished their alcohol, but the only drunkenness Chaeyoung seemed to be feeling was being drunk in awe of the woman before her.

How'd she get so lucky to go on a date with a woman like this? She hadn't thought she was half attractive as she or had the personality to reel her in. But here they were.

"Do you want to get boba and then we'll sit on the grass?" Chaeyoung asked, talking about the open lawn outside the cafe with games and other individuals relaxing.

"Yeah. I'll follow you since I don't know where the boba place is." Mina said.

Chaeyoung smiled, nodding. They walked together comfortably through the square, talking about the trees that were lined with lights wrapped around them.

"The trees look so pretty with the lights around them." She said subtly pointing to the tree before them.

"Oh yeah! They do!" Mina said in a softened tone.

Chaeyoung looked up, noticing the clouds and smiled. Mina had caught a glimpse and looked up just as well.

"You know, I like looking at the clouds." She said, a smile playing on her face. Mina smiled.

"Me too. And the stars." Mina said.

Chaeyoung remembered that they talked about Mina liking the stars. She didn't want to disappoint the older woman, but they wouldn't be seeing any stars that evening in the city.

"I especially like the daylight." Chaeyoung said, recalling a Taylor Swift song she had fallen in love with.

"Daylight like the first rise of the sun?" Mina asked. Chaeyoung nodded.

"I- I'm sorry if I keep mentioning my ex-."

"No, it's okay. I think it's a part of your story, they were a part of your life, so it doesn't matter. You know?" Mina said in reassurance.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath as she didn't like remembering the woman, but it was a valid story.

"I woke her up once at like two in the morning and I took her to the beach to watch the sun rise. She was a bit grumpy about it." Chaeyoung said. Mina let out a chuckle.

"I bet. I would be too." Mina commented. Chaeyoung smiled faintly.

"I think it was worth it." She whispered.

"Oh, here's the shop. Sweet Tea." Chaeyoung said, once again seeing Mina was quick to open and hold the door open for her. She blushed once more and entered the establishment with her, seeing it busy.

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