Nice work kid (Iron man 2)

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               {Y/N POV}

Story will go to third POV

I'm standing here in an all black suit that I got from my brother. There's a lot of rich people around but i'm far from it.

"RING RING RING" I hear my phone go off from my pocket. Taking out my phone I see that it's my big sister.

"Wassup" I say to her a little annoyed she called while I was out but she's my sister so she's one of the few people who can call me whenever.

"Hey, are you guys ok out there ?" she asks me. From her tone I can tell that she is worried.

"Yes, we're fine it's about to start in a few minutes." I say to her.

"Ok, be careful I love you" she says. I return the term of endearment before hanging up.

"Who was that ?" I hear from behind me. Turning around I see my best friend Jaejae who has drinks in his hand.

"My sister, she was checking on us." I say to him grabbing the drink from him.

"My sister must be with her, usually they call around the same time." he says.

"Yea well let's get ready" I say to him with a smirk that he matches. We have the drinks to our mouths before we get tapped on the shoulder making us put them down.

"Are you two supposed to be drinking that ?" we hear from behind us. We turn around and we see the one and only Ms. Pepper Potts. She has her arms crossed staring at us with squinted eyes.

I don't even attempt to say anything as I know we are caught.

"Uhh .. yea we're 18" my friend Jaejae says to her rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yea what he said" I say looking anywhere but her. She has a few guards behind her who look ready to kick us out the Expo.

"Mhm, so this is how this is going to go." she says stepping closer to us.

"You either keep the drinks and get put in a special area until we can get a hold of your parents." she says looking at Jaejae.

"Or you can put the drinks down and come watch the show with me from backstage" she says turning to me.

Jaejae and I look at each other before nodding. We give our drinks to her which she accepts with a smile.

"Thank you, now come on." she says walking away from us. Jaejae looks at me with a smile and I smirk as we follow her.

"Dude, that's Pepper Potts." Jaejae says excitedly. I laugh at my friend as he is a big fan of her with her running the company now.

"I know bro, i'm surprised you even got that lie out." I say to him laughing.

"It was so hard, ouu do you think we'll meet Tony ? The Reaper meeting Ironman." he say's excited. I shush him as Ms.Potts stops walking turning to us as we're backstage.

"Now you two stay here and watch, I'll be right back. Feel free to sit in these chairs." she says before walking off with a man and a red head woman.

The woman turns her head and looks back at us. My eyes become instantly stuck on her from how beautiful she is. She sees me staring at her and she smiles at me waving her hand. I try to wave back but I don't even feel my hand lift up so I nod at her.

Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader x MCU )Where stories live. Discover now