The Augria Sand Dunes (Part 2)

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The mabeast user shifted in the padded seat. "But keeping them away is the only thing I'm good for, and even though I took a nap earlier, I got sleepy again. I just had one job, and I didn't do it."

"At the very least, you are the most pleasant and resourceful member of this party to travel with besides (Y/N) and myself." This time, it was actually Omega who stepped up to console her, and you weren't sure how it would turn out. "You have performed many services other than this primary task you have mentioned, so do not be crestfallen at this insignificant event, as it is a natural thing to succumb to fatigue."

You bit down on your jerky with a grin of approval for Omega. Her way of making Meili feel better was unique, as she always was, but it definitely wasn't bad.

In fact, Meili brightened up significantly after this, her expression seeming to ask Omega, 'do you really think so?' 

With that, the child's confidence came back. "Hey (Y/N), since you're focused on munching on our food, can you bring some over here? You want some too, right Omega?"

Omega really didn't have to eat at the moment, but in order to keep Meili's morale high, she nodded her head, while she conveyed to you to bring her the smallest piece you could find.

You did just that, and as you closed the compartment, you brought Meili a decently sized piece, and as you handed Omega's small piece to her, you heard the sand shuffle as Roswaal brought his dome down.

As you sat down and finished chewing on your jerky, the flicker of the magically lit lanterns inside the carriage made the clown look like a shadow as he entered. 

Behind him was Ram, and you couldn't tell what kind of expression she was making since Roswaal's actual shadow was covering her face.

Sighing, you leaned your head back and closed your eyes. "So now that we're all back, I have a question for you, Roswaal."

He waited until he sat down to respond. "Hmmmmmm~ Is that so?"

"Yeah. How did you guess that we weren't getting any closer to the tower? Did you know too, by any chance?"

You couldn't see this, but you could tell that everybody's head turned toward Roswaal to see what answer he would give.

"Ahhhhh, that!" Roswaal replied. "Why do you suspect me of hiding such a thing? Will you not believe me when I say thaaaaat if we were as close to our destination as we shoooouuuld have been, either you or Omega would have announced this?"

You didn't give any reaction. "Yeah, I was just making sure. After all, like Ram said, we should be making the most of what we have here, so spill the beans whenever you think you know something."

"Ooookay!" Roswaal said too enthusiastically. He crossed his legs, and this time, he asked, "But while we are on this topic, whaaaat do you plan on doing tomorrow?"

"As we have already explained to Meili," Omega answered, "we will attempt to travel during Sand Time, as I believe that there is a space distortion keeping our target at a constant distance from us, and we should exploit the strange phenomenon in this desert to produce a solution."

"I see~ In thaaaat case, I shall maintain this dome from any attacks as youuuuu sleep first, Omega.

Each night, Roswaal and Omega took turns making sure that no mabeasts broke through the dome. Both mages possessed insane reflexes, so at any disturbance, they would be able to either kill the outside threat or strengthen the earthen dome. 

Luckily, very few mabeasts came toward the dome since it wasn't moving like the carriage was during the day, but the night before, there had been something that hit the bottom of the dome, and none of you wanted to risk a sand earthworm or other mabeasts breaking through while everybody slept. 

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