During his careful perusal of her, Yoongi noticed that she seemed nervous. Her eyes were darting around anxiously, and she was fidgeting with the hem of her skirt before Joon introduced himself and JK. Meanwhile, the buzzing was starting to pinch painfully at him and for some reason, he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the way Tae was clutching her hand in his. It almost bothered him.

Wait, why the fuck do I even care, he thought.

What did it matter if Tae was attached to some foreign girl? But he couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling all throughout dinner. It needled him that Taehyung was looking extremely pleased with himself. He couldn't understand why Tae was so proud of himself. The girl, whom he learned was American, wasn't special at all. He couldn't see the appeal. Sure, she was somewhat attractive, but she couldn't even speak Korean!

As the night went on, he was getting steadily more and more irritated at how handsy Tae was with her, but then she turned to face him, commanding his attention. Her soft, shy voice spoke words of praise for him and his work. Despite not being fluent in English, he understood her. He was surprised and touched that she was trying to make an effort to speak slow enough so that he could follow.

Suddenly, he was the one that was feeling pleased with himself. Having her full attention felt nice. He found himself wanting to hear more from her soft-looking lips, but Tae seemed determined to keep her all to himself. He kept her glued to his side, constantly touching her even when he wasn't talking to her, and turning her attention back to him if she spoke to someone else. He never knew Tae to be so possessive.

It really pissed Yoongi off, which in turn frustrated him because he didn't know why he was getting so upset. Things escalated when she almost ate the cake that Tae kept pushing on her. He had a bad feeling about it as soon as it was placed on the table, but he couldn't put his finger on why.

It was like he had an out of body experience when Taehyung tried to feed it to her. He panicked when he saw her jerk back, and he wasn't able to stop himself from snapping at Tae, surprising everyone at the table. His behavior was so out character that even Joon was squinting at him with a bewildered expression.

In order to avoid any more outbursts, he decided it was better if he put an end to dinner, signaling to Joon and JK that he was ready to go. But of course, Taehyung and the girl decided to follow their lead and got up to leave as well.

And then, disaster struck.

When she tripped and pitched forward, he instinctually lurched towards her to stop her fall. As soon as his hand grasped her bare arm, he felt an odd sensation. A tingling feeling started in his gut and rapidly spread throughout his body, eradicating his buzzing. He felt an intense rush of bliss and rightness.

He could feel her. If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn he heard her heart beating in sync with his own. The golden light of connection lit them both up and that's when he realized. She was his soulmate.

His. Soulmate.

As soon as the euphoric moment faded and they were snapped back to reality, he stood there blinking stupidly. He slowly looked down at her trembling form to ask if she had felt the connection as well, only to see her staring up at him with parted lips. Her eyes were wide and full of unshed tears. They were hazel, he noted. Mostly brown, swirled with bits of grey and flecked with golden, ruby, and green specs.

Judging by the mesmerized look in her eyes, she seemed to be very aware of their connection. But she didn't look upset. She was gazing at him almost lovingly. Like he was the sun; like he was everything she could ever need or want.

And that was when reality hit him.


He wasn't meant to have a soulmate. He wasn't meant to take care of someone. He didn't want to be tied down to someone he didn't even know. He didn't want to be responsible for anyone but himself, especially not some lost little foreign girl. And as if that were not enough, she belonged to Taehyung, not him.

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