the chapter

403 13 0

Author p.o v

Xavier ran to Victor who realised and started running again. Xavier jumped on to him and caught him. Leaving the Victor's punches, Xavier concentrated on pulling his hands to his back and stabbed his back.

" Aaaaaaghhhhhh "

Victor experienced a strong and death pain in his back and crumpled to the floor.

Xavier dragged him to the Antonio who ran to him. Jonah's chopper followed them and lowered deep.

" Jonah " Xavier yelled.

Jonah observed Victor in his hands. Fear rose in him.

He heard of how Xavier killed Sen. Malind don't know about this war. Well, Jonah didn't let this matter reach Malind. Malind who will do anything for his brother didn't accept this. The upcoming is most dangerous. He looked down at the warriors and found Victor in the hands of Xavier.

" Leave her. Orelse I will kill him " Xavier yelled pointing a knife on his throat.

" No " Jonah yelled and they both got off from the chopper. Antonio recognised that Serena is having cramps.

" I will leave her " Jonah said leaving Serena on the floor.

" No. Kill her " Victor yelled oozing out his saliva and pulling out the knife from his back and tried to stab Xavier. Xavier reacted quickly and punche dhim on his face. Victor fought back. Antonio fought with Jonah. He almost hit Jonah to death.

" Victor " Jonah yelled for Victor who is now in point blank range of Xavier's gun.

Alex came killing Jonah's men and took away Serena leaving a vehicle for Xavier and Antonio.

Antonio tied Jonah and threw him into the car signalling Xavier's men to take him to Alex. Victor laughed at Xavier not feeling afraid of him.

" My brother will not leave you alive " Victor warned Xavier.

Xavier smirked.

" Your brother is living on my command. If you want to take him along with you. And that is your last wish... " Xavier paused. " I will do as you please. " He said.

" I know you won't kill me that easily " Victor tried hard to stand on his legs but his confidence never subsided.

" You don't know the pain of bullet piercing the skin, organs and then the bones. Your pleasure. You've to feel the entire magazine inside your body. " Xavier said and emptied entire set of bullets in his gun into Victor's body.

If anyone see without vomiting and fear. You will not find skin. You will find bullet in every inch of his skin.

Antonio looked up at Xavier.

" He is dead "

" For angel's sake " Xavier said and signed him come along.

Xavier pulled out the walkie talkie.

" Casey, shift Victor's body to our lab. No one has to know about his death. Not even Jonah. Let them believe that he is alive in our custody " Xavier ordered.

Casey left the warzone and came for Victor's body.


" Ah! "

Jonah cut off his ties and killed the driver before driving himself to the place where Malind men can find him.

He wants to inform this to Malind. That Victor is in Xavier's custody right now.

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