Plan B

518 21 0

I'm not selfish, not that I wish
I'm just obsessed


⥃Antonio p.o.v⥄

" I-I am sorry " she apologized and leaned back wiping her eyes.

" Serena.. I kept your share in the oven. Don't forget to eat. " Grams yelled from her room.

Serena looked around and found us eating. She rose up, " Jason, why are you still in your office wear? " She asked him tying her hair in a bun.

I folded my legs and tried to look at the match but her waist has to disturb me.

Why she started wearing those short clothes. Huh! I took a deep breathe and diverted my eyes.

" I will change, sisso " Jason said and Serena walked away.

" Get me a glass of juice, please " I added.

I know she heard me. After some time, she came back and handed my juice before leaving for our room.

I quickly finished eating and we cleared the mess before backing to our respective rooms.


" Yes, Olivia "

" You are coming to the party right? " She asked me.

I wiped my face and released a frustrated sign. " Yeah. " I replied stepping up to room.

" Come along with your wife " what the fuck?

" Why?.. to humiliate her in public? " I asked her with a burning anger inside me.

" I don't have to when she confirmed that you are always mine.. just for a little safety. I don't want people talk nonsense about you attending a party at my house " the fuck with it.

" You know that she did not agree. "I complained opening my room door.

" Bribe her some way Antonio " she said incensed and seized the call.

" What the fuck she thinks about my wife? "

We can buy the whole world or bribe any person even Olivia but Serena... Nothing... She never bows her head for someone.

I am the reason behind her obedience in Olivia's matter. Orelse Olivia would be six feet under the earth surface. She don't know what Serena's family do for her.

That's ok. Where is serena?

I looked around.

" Shit " she is sleeping in grams room.

With a deep sign, I marched towards the bed and laid down.

Come on sleeep.. sleep Antonio... Sleep.

" God! " Why can't I able to get back my head from her moans.

Her lips, her body...

God! Why the fuck I am feeling like a lovesick puppy?

Her moans.

Shut the fuck up Antonio.

If not she reacted last night, I would be sleeping peacefully now.

' You know how it would be to you if she did not reacted ' fuck off my conscience.

Why did not she objected grams order?

This is girl will be the death of me.

I forcefully opened the door and stepped downstairs marching to grams room.

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