
864 22 5

Author p.o.v

" Ask me if you have any doubt. I will be in the kitchen, Ian" Serena said to Ian.

Ian nodded and continued doing his homework.

Serena started preparing dinner and came the dull Ed downstairs. He walked to the refrigerator and poured him some juice.

" What happened to my Ed, today? " She asked him.

He gave her one glass and took his before sitting on the bar stool.

He looked down and mumbled. " Dad won't love me and Batya equally. He loves her more than me " he said and sipped the juice.

Serena chuckled and washed her hands before going for her son.

" Why would you think like that? " She asked him.

" Papa, first kisses her when he is from office. He always gives more preference to her. He ask me to do best next time even I won in first place. But he celebrates if Batya just got good marks in her tests. Look, tomorrow is his birthday and he always kiss her first even I say him the first wishes. " He complained and is almost near to crying.

Serena hugged him and kissed his forehead. She lifted his head and wiped off the tears.

" See, Ed boy. What are these? " She pointed to her eyes.

" Eyes " he said.

" For your dad, you both are two eyes. Can he take less care about anyone of his eyes? " She asked him.

He shook his head. She smiled and " you want to know how much your dad loves you, right? " She asked him.

He nodded his head. " Come with me " she guided him upstairs. Into Antonio's personal office.

" Mom, it's dark " he said.

" It's okay, Ed. Mama is here. " She said and asked him stay right there while she go and fetch something.

" Mom, do you want me to turn on the lights? " He asked.

" Few things should be enlighten, Ed. This dark doesn't matter " she said and took out something. " Can you please pick up the torch from the basket on your way, Ed? " She asked.

" Yes mom " the kid bravely walked to her with the torch.

" Sit down " she pointed the place beside her. She took the torch from his hands and handed him the album. She showed the light and signed him go forward.

He opened and observed the pictures of him with his dad. From day one of his birth to the last pic yesterday that Antonio took while he is eating the sweets.

Antonio saved them carefully. His marks list. Medals. Certificates. Test papers. Drawings. Toys. Worn out shoes. And many more. Ed observed everything carefully. He don't even know he is crying. Serena let him realise how much his dad loves him.

" You are not like other kids, Ed. " She said. Ed turned to her mother. " You feel when you don't get the best. And I am not saying that you won't work hard towards it. You work hard and you wanted the best. That's is why your dad asked you to do best next time, so that you won't feel hurt " she said.

-silent hiccup-

" You love Ian and his character. You learnt from him. You love your dad and wants to be like him... That's why he is pushing you from now so that you won't get hurt like your dad did. " She said.

She closed the album and kept them back taking him to their room. She opened their closet and showed him the shirts and trousers.

" See, you and your sister like wearing his shirts. He started saving his tight clothes for you two. He started having two shirts of same color so that no one of you feel hurt. " She closed the wardrobe and took him to the books Antonio kept in their room.

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