[ Chapter 80 : Golden Hour ]

Start from the beginning

I hold her neck to stop the bleeding but it's obvious I can't stop it so I hold her close in my arms. I look up where the sky has turned orange and yellow, with a little pink, the waves of the ocean getting a little closer and the wind is picking up.

" Sun's down " I said then look down at her.

She struggles as she keeps looking at me.

" Look "

I have her lean against me and turn her head slightly, I see her smile watching the sun, while blood keep trickling down her mouth. Heidi then pants and slow down as she is near to us.

" I'm so sorry it took me so long, fuck, those spiders were tough, I hate spiders " she said.

" Could you leave us for a while? " I asked.

" What? " She asked.

I look at Syrene who's still staring at the sun but her chest is not moving and her hand has gone cold, her smiles gone as I see a tear rolled down the side of her face, I wipe it off.

" Give me a few minutes before we bury her, please " I said and bring my bloody hand up to her face.

I shut her eyes and bring her head closer to me, placing my lips on her forehead, kissing it I hug her close.

" Oh okay, I'll get ready the medical supplies and patch us up before we do that " she said, I nodded.

She walks away as I look at the sunset while holding Syrene.

~ Time Skip ~

I wince as Heidi tie the bandage on my shoulder.

" Okay, I'm done " she said as I sit down on this bed.

We're in the village right now in Heidi's house, we just got done burying Syrene and now we're all patched up.

" Thanks " I said and Heidi sit down on her bed which is the opposite of mine.

I look down at my hands where on my left I hold the dagger Gia was killed with, and on my right is Syrene's dagger that she was killed with.

" Is collecting daggers your thing now? " I look up at Heidi who's lying down on her bed comfortably and I scoff.

" Might be " I said.

" You do know that's mine right? " She gestures to the left one.

" I know and your not asking for it back, so it's mine " I said and she scoffs then turn her head to face the ceiling.

I sheathe them both before putting it on the bedside table.

" Well, we travelled a week to get here just to kill your worst enemy, by tomorrow we're going home, I miss Paige " she said.

I see her holding the amulet Paige gave her.

" You can go, I'm going to stay here for a while until my wounds heal " I said.

She furrow her eyebrows then turn her head to me.

" Why? " She asked.

" I look fucked up right now and I don't want Laurence to see me like this, I don't want him to worry " I said.

She sit up.

" You do know your wounds are going to take a month or two to heal, probably three or more " she said, I nodded.

" I know, that's why if you go home, I want you to send a message to him for me " I said.

" Did Syrene hit your head really hard or something because this sounds like you don't want to leave here " she said.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now