174 - Hanlu x Ian (3)

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After finally meeting his baby and falling in love with her, three days had passed since Ian's labor and he has now gotten a lot better. He was even preparing to be discharged from the hospital despite Hanlu's disagreement, but the Alpha couldn't really stop Ian from doing what he wanted. The Omega was so eager to take care of his daughter as soon as possible and he did not want to take up a couple more days just to rest when he knew he could already handle things. And since there was so much gap between Lancel and Elizanie, Ian was also probably excited about taking care of another baby as well.

"Xiao Luu, let your wife be. I totally understand because I was the same when we got Xiao Zi. It had been a while since a baby came and I couldn't help becoming a mom again. I could totally understand Ian's excitement," Laura smiled and happily watched Ian feed little Lizzie from his breast. Ian chuckled and nodded. While he was a little bit skeptical during pregnancy, now he knew for sure he wanted to be on this baby's side all throughout her life because he couldn't be with Lan when he had to balance work and being a single parent right after he gave birth. He had to do that because there was no one he could rely on. But now, he had Hanlu beside him and he just wanted to focus on the baby.

"But Moooom~ Ian needs more rest! His stomach hasn't even healed completely yet and he wanted to be discharged from the hospital. Can't he just do that while in the hospital?" Hanlu complained. He knew Ian was stubborn but he was extra stubborn since his second pregnancy and he can't even do anything about it and it just frustrates him. He couldn't even ask for help from his son because the child was with his mother.

"Luu, you know how much I feel about the hospital. Besides, you're just overreacting," Ian countered, rolling his eyes because his husband was being so whiny again. Thankfully, even though Lan was so close to his father, whenever there was an argument, the child always took his side even if he was kind of just being stubborn about the situation.

"No, I'm not. I just know that when you get home, you're not just going to be taking care of Lizzie," Hanlu insisted, doubting that Lizzie was the only reason why he wanted to go home so soon. And it's probably because when he's at the hospital, the doctor or nurses would remind him to rest and just not do anything, especially in regard to his detective work.

"Luu, didn't I promise I would retire after Lizzie's out? I'm just going to organize some few things and I promise I won't work again," Ian convinced, shaking his head knowing the true motive behind his husband's defiance.

"Wha! Really? I thought you were just saying that because you were annoyed with me," Hanlu replied in surprise. He is well aware that he gets a bit annoying to Ian and he also knows that sometimes the Omega just pretends to say something just to pacify him. But this time, he never thought Ian was really going to quit despite mentioning it a couple of times.

"Why would I say something that you could use against me?!" Ian growled in frustration. He wanted to smack Hanlu but he suppressed himself considering that he was still feeding Lizzie. "Anyway, stop it already! I'm going home tomorrow and it's final," Ian said firmly, making Hanlu pout but then again, there was nothing he could do.

"Tch. Fine but you have to keep your word. When I say it's enough work then it's enough," Hanlu negotiated, making Ian nod at the end, walking towards his wife and sitting next to him to watch his daughter suck on his beloved's chest. He's a bit jealous because it was always him who did it before but now that his daughter is here, he guesses he won't be able to do it anymore.

"Yeah, whatever..." Ian nodded. Laura and Mo Chendong watching the two looked at each other and in the end, smiled seeing how these two get along somehow. Even now, they still couldn't believe Hanlu had been tamed. Of course, he's still the same as before but at least now he has someone who would control him when he's doing something out of hand.

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