169 - A Promise Between Two Men (2)

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"Crazy bastards, what the heck was this all about!?" Fyre continued to complain in frustration. He didn't like that he was being left out and he felt like he was being bullied because of it. It had always been like that, the two would talk about something and then they would purposely leave him out just to tease him.

"It's nothing, Baby. Just don't mind him. He's just being bitter and all," Tian Zi replied with a pout as he wrapped his arms around Fyre again, acting helpless with his wound still bleeding as if it was hurting him that much when it didn't.

"It's not nothing at all, you idiot! How can it be nothing if you're hurt?!" Fyre frowned and pressed on the wound deeper, becoming more and more upset.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again if Zi takes care of you better," Jonathan commented, fighting himself to not roll his eyes watching the two being so close together. Meanwhile, when Fyre heard it, he finally understood what all the ruckus was about and his frown got even deeper towards Jonathan. He didn't care if someone called him a simp but he absolutely did not want anyone to hurt or bully Tian Zi... after all, he was the only one who is allowed to do so.

"I don't care what you two had talked about but all that happened is not Zi's fault at all and even if it was, I'll punch you back if you hurt him next time," Fyre warned, glaring at Jonathan. When both Alphas heard that, Jonathan chuckled at the harmless warning while Tian Zi had his heart skip a beat, never imagined having his Omega being all protective of him made him feel prideful. And somehow, even though he wasn't planning on making the same mistake again, he kinda wanted to see Fyre punching someone for his sake. It gave him the urge to act helpless so the Omega would be protective of him.

"Hehe, you better watch out, dude. I don't think he's joking," Tian Zi said, chuckling along with his friend.

"Well, I wish to see it one day but I do hope this won't happen again," Jonathan responded. If it was a punch from Fyre, he'd gladly accept it but he wouldn't want a day to come when he'd have to punch his friend again because Fyre went through danger. At that time, surely he'll take Fyre away whether he'd like it or not.

"Hmmp, you two are so annoying as always," Fyre rolled his eyes, pushing Tian Zi away from him before he crossed his arms. He looked at Jonathan and although he appreciated the thought, he was hoping no one would get hurt just because of him. At the same time, he was glad that even though he knew the Alpha had feelings for him, it didn't seem like meeting him was awkward. He was really glad that they had talked about it over the phone, or else he'd never be able to talk like this with him.

"But unlike him, you love me, hehe," Tian Zi commented, pressing the ice pack on his wound and smirking to which Fyre responded with a glare.

"Tch. Quickly call the server. I'm getting hungry looking at the two of you." Fyre immediately changed the topic and ordered Tian Zi to press the button near him to call the server, which the Alpha did without delay. Minutes later the server arrived, he looked nervous at first but after seeing that no fight would happen after all, he relaxed and took their order.

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"So, when's the wedding going to happen?" Jonathan suddenly asked. Their meals had arrived and now began eating when his fork suddenly stopped moving. He had been avoiding it for a while now but he knew that no matter what he does, he can never stop it from happening.

"Probably in eight months. We have had someone working on it for a few months now. We'll be sending out invites soon so don't worry, you definitely won't miss it," Fyre replied. Right now, a lot of things had been happening and even before it they became very busy with the filming so they only got little time to manage their wedding but they weren't worried because they were already halfway through the preparations and they only really had to go to some clothes fitting and some food tasting. The rest, it was Mrs. Mo who helped them pick other details and would just call for confirmation every now and then. Besides, he and Tian Zi weren't really very particular when it came to wedding ceremonies and as long as they get to get married, nothing else matters. Additionally, they trust the people who are helping them prepare. It'll be great if they too would turn out in surprise on their actual wedding day where everything is put together.

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