83 - Uninvited Guest

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"Phew! Home, at last! I can't believe I literally stayed in bed for three whole days. I was planning to do my laundry two weeks ago but a lot of things happened and I had to move and move the schedule and finally!" Fyre mumbled to himself as he rested his hand on his sides, looking at his pile and pile of dirty clothes.

Three days had passed since the relationship between Tian Zi and Fyre had become stronger after the confession and today, the two finally decided that it was time to tell everyone about them. Since Fyre had been resting and eating properly for the past 3 days, his body had fully recovered. In fact, on the first day, Fyre was already fine and insisted that he could get out of bed but Tian Zi being so overprotective of him as always, he was forced to rest longer. Thankfully, since the Alpha had to work on some company papers that he had stalled for days, Fyre was able to sneak out.

"Wow, it really piled up to this much. Will I be able to finish all this by the afternoon?" Fyre asked himself as he sorted the dark colors from the light colors and the sheets and pillowcases, which finished quickly since he only really had dark shade clothes with him. Normally, he would have washed his clothes and sheets all at once every week but sometimes when he gets lazy he piles it up to the next week and then to the next. This time around, instead of feeling lazy, he actually didn't have time to do laundry because of what had been happening with Maverick and him going to the hospital and all that it piled up. He had a lot of clothes but now the clean clothes he had was becoming less, he had to wash some for him to have something to wear for the following days.

"I'll just do the whites and light colors for now and then if I have more time, I can do some of the blacks and the sheets. Zi will notice soon that I have left and might come, but I don't want him to buy me clothes or worse, wear his clothes when I go to their house tonight," Fyre mumbled to himself. He is going as Tian Zi's lover this time so he should try his best to become presentable on his own. He didn't want to rely on Tian Zi, even if the Alpha insisted. Additionally, if the Alpha bought him clothes, his clothes would increase again! He already had too much.

After throwing all the whites and light-colored clothes, detergent, and fabric conditioner into the washing machine, Fyre turned the machine on. Since he would have to wait an hour for it to finish—from washing to drying—he decided he would bake something to bring later. Fyre looked around his house and smiled, feeling satisfied. The place had been his home for exactly 10 years now. A lot of change happened since the first time he got the place from the young Paul back then but he was so satisfied that he had cultivated it into a place that he was most comfortable with. Unfortunately, maybe he'd have to say goodbye to it soon.

Ever since Tian Zi offered to live with him, he had thought of it while he was resting for the last 3 days. Tian Zi mentioned a couple of times that they would buy a new and bigger house together for the two of them and that made him really happy because it felt like they were some newlywed couple. Of course, Fyre was afraid like he admitted to the Alpha but it's not like he was not excited at the thought. Soon he'll turn 29 years old. He'd been living alone since he was 15 when he left home so he wanted to try living with someone this time, with someone he loved and cherished.

Fyre hadn't told Tian Zi about his plan yet but he was going to tell him tonight as well so he wanted to spend a little more time alone in his home. Definitely, he wasn't going to sell or completely abandon the place but it would be difficult to come and visit often. He also decided he'd quit being 'JunkAnime' for good or doing some odd jobs as a hacker and instead, he'd be working alongside Tian Zi on ZNetwork and make it even more prominent than it already is. This was the dream Remi had for him, to be happy with someone who accepted him, with someone he truly trusted and loved. Aside from what Remi knew when they were younger, Fyre had gone through a lot and he had trouble accepting himself, trouble trusting someone, and trouble loving someone... but finally he had overcome all his fears, insecurities, anxiety, and depression, and he had learned to love and trust Tian Zi wholeheartedly.

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