37 - Confused

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After that talk at the beach, days quickly went by and just like everyone had hope for, Fyre and Remi did enjoy the vacation. They went to different places creating memories to remember; at first, Fyre thought that he wouldn't be able to fully enjoy this vacation because he was just someone who tagged along but all throughout the whole week during his stay, he really forgot his depression and anxiety.

He learned more about the Mo Family and even the Sullens and Daniel Mo's adoptive parents—the Lopezes. He got closer to all of them, and of course especially to Tian Zi who made keeping him by his side every second of the day his hobby and mission. And surprisingly, he really appreciated it because it's no longer a secret from him that he felt more secure with Tian Zi around him. The Alpha was like a comfort doll or something, everything just seems better with him around. Maybe because Tian Zi and he was an Omega, but he's thankful that he didn't have to worry about his surroundings whether he'd be safe or not because the Young Alpha was there to help him.

Furthermore, as Ian and Daniel promised, Hanlu indeed fixed his problem and assured him that no one will bother him again when he goes back. He still could remember himself crying as he thanked Mo Hanlu while the Alpha just told him that he did it because he wasn't allowed to hold his twins if he didn't, that if it weren't for his wife and brother-in-law he would have cared less about the situation but honestly, Fyre was still very thankful even though none of it would have happened if he wasn't suddenly chosen to become Ian Andrews Mo's maid of honor. If it was just him, he would have never handled it peacefully. He might go crazy and commit something that would finally send him to prison.

Thankfully, he didn't and now he's enjoying the free vacation granted to him. Not to mention, just like Maverick said, he did introduce Fyre to his brothers and they are now acquainted quite well. Although far from being called close friends, unlike before where the three young masters of the Sullen would just silently stand and observe from the side, at least now they are interacting with each other. Fyre never felt he was outcast and he was pretty sure it was the same for Remi as well as he got close to the elders.

"Hey, don't drink too much, okay?" Tian Zi reminded, softly holding Fyre's arms. He had a frown on his forehead as he watched the Omega excitedly fetching himself a bottle of beer. There were a lot of options for what to drink but he chose beer because it was what he's used to. However, as the Alpha always did, Tian Zi was trying to spoil his fun again as if he was his father or something. Tian Zi was way too overprotective! He has to calm down!

"Tian Zi, we only have two more days before we go back. Relax and have fun with everybody." Fyre cheered. The Elders allowed them to stay up all night at the patio having a campfire to have drinks and acquaint more, even Joaquinn Sullen who looked like he had facial paralysis stayed to join in the fun with his younger brothers. Earlier, the married couples also joined in but as the night went longer, they finally had to call it a day leaving them to continue the enjoyment.

"It's good to have fun but don't drink too much." Tian Zi reminded again and snatched two of the four bottled beers that were in Fyre's arms, causing the Omega to pout.

"You're such a party pooper!" Fyre complained and attempted to snatch the beers back but unfortunately, the Alpha was too fast. Fyre had no choice but to pick another bottle of beer to which Tian Zi then snatched again.

"And you're stubborn." Tian Zi commented with a frown. He wasn't being a party pooper. He was okay with Fyre having fun but there should be no alcohol involved. Why? Well, among the two Omegas present—Maverick being the other one—Fyre was the most unstable. If his body suddenly couldn't handle the alcohol, it will be him who will have to endure later on since the Omega is surrounded by Alphas and Remi Long surely can't handle them all. Tian Zi could help but he too is an Alpha, he wouldn't know when he's going to snap and attack Fyre as well.

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