153 - Escape (2)

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". . . " Fyre became silent and continued to look at the actress until finally, he could no longer hold back his questions because it just didn't make sense to him. Why would the woman help him if she was with Lucien? Unless this was a trap, he wanted to know the answer. Even if the woman won't tell the truth, he trusts his ability to read people and he believed he would find out if there was something wrong.

"Why are you helping me? It doesn't look like you're held captive here like me so you're probably with them," Fyre mentioned, watching every little movement of the actress in case she did something like trying to contact someone without him knowing. Otherwise he would be forced to jump on her and constrain her, and make sure she wouldn't move even if she's sick.

"Ha! Don't be silly. I'm not trying to help you. I hated you. I hated you to that point that I wanted to ruin your life but I already gave up that. Besides, I just don't feel like doing anything right now. As you can see, I am not feeling the best all day. Also, it would be fun to look at that jerk's face when he finds out you've escaped from him again," Mitchel replied as she rolled her eyes after sitting up to look at Fyre again with a deep frown on her flawless forehead. On the other hand, listening to the actress' words, Fyre didn't believe her entirely but he calmed down slightly because it didn't feel like she wasn't lying to him either.

"Anyway, feel free to stay here although... it might feel a little bit uncomfortable," she added to which Fyre did not reply. He just assumed that the reason why the fellow actress said he might become uncomfortable was because they were both strangers and enemies to each other and not because she was actually currently in heat and that it will not be good to have a recessive Omega around her. Still, she didn't care at all as well since it was Fyre's choice to stay or leave. But of course, she knew Fyre would stay since both of them could hear how lively it was outside the room.

"I'll stay here for a bit then. Just until things settles down outside," Fyre said, crossing his arms, still unable to trust the woman.

"Suit yourself. I'll go ahead and continue my rest then since someone just disturbed it," Mitchel and laid down again. Fyre no longer replied anymore, besides he didn't want someone to disturb her sleep, she should have locked her door. But then again, he would have been caught by now if the door was indeed locked.

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A little while ago, finally after carefully devising the strategy to invade the enemy's territory and discussing it with everyone who will participate on this raid, five SUV vans began to trail their way to their destination. And since it wasn't too far from the city, they arrived after only an hour.

"Don't go off somewhere without someone with you, okay? If possible just stay behind someone and they will do all the work for you," Hanlu instructed again for the hundredth time already. He had been constantly saying this since earlier and if Tian Zi was just not more focused on finding his lover sooner, he would have bickered with him. It's not like he didn't know his responsibility. He had no actual experience when it comes to an encounter with a real enemy so of course, he wouldn't be so stupid to act based on his emotions and lead the team to harm. By doing that, not only would he unsuccessfully save Fyre but it might cause all their lives. He was eager but he was not going to let that cloud his judgment, it's the reason why he carefully investigated all the necessary information that would lead to their success.

After all, he still wants to be with his mate and create their own family together in the future. They still have to get married and they are still preparing for pregnancy. Or even if they couldn't, he still wanted to be with Fyre for a long long time until the last breath of his life.

"Hey, listen to me. We're all worried about you. If I were to decide I would not have let you go here—" Hanlu scolded, hearing no reply from the younger Alpha but he didn't finish his words when Laotian interrupted him by taking a step out of the vehicle after their other members.

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