150 - Mine At Last (2)

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"We're only letting you in because Mave insisted that he wanted to see you so don't think that we've accepted your relationship. We still hope that you two break up before your relationship causes harm to him and to you," Ashton Sullen said with a frown, blocking Paul's way toward Maverick's hospital room. It might be because he was a dominant Alpha that he sounded superior despite his younger age but Paul didn't back down either.

It had been 12 hours since Maverick returned and ever since he heard the news, he had been continuously asking the brothers to let him see Maverick, alas, he was not granted entry until now.

"I understand," Paul replied with a serious expression. He understood the younger Alpha's sentiments. He knew it wouldn't be easy for his and Maverick's relationship to be accepted. Even though it wasn't well-known, he used to be Daniel's lover before he became Daniella's fiance. It wouldn't be good if the public discovered that he's now in a relationship with Maverick, yet another Sullen. An issue might come out that would harm both their families.

Regardless, he and Maverick refused to acknowledge their refusal and continued to date anyway. Even though their relationship didn't start with them having feelings for each other, they really enjoyed spending time with each other. The missing piece that both of them needed was filled and now, he didn't think it would be possible for him to live like he did before he got closer to Maverick. He felt like if he broke up with Maverick now, he'd never feel complete ever again. It's different from what he had felt for Fyre.

But he became selfish and overconfident. He thought he'd be able to protect Maverick from the public, his parents, and everyone else that would hurt him, but he was wrong. In the end, the Omega got kidnapped and he was helpless as he watched Maverick get taken away. Even though he didn't anticipate that something like this would happen, he should have still been able to protect the Omega.

At that moment, when Maverick was taken away from him as he watched helplessly, it felt like his soul—that had just gotten back together—broke again. He felt his world collapse. It was something he didn't quite understand at first but now he wanted to confirm it.

". . ." Crossing his arms as he silently moves out of the way, Ashton didn't say anything. Honestly, if the situation wasn't so complicated, he and Joaquinn wouldn't have been against their relationship especially if Maverick really liked Paul but considering the fact that the Alpha was already once their cousin's fiance, it wouldn't look good and their poor brother would receive criticism. If the situation were different, they would not have gone against Maverick's decision. Paul is a good man, they know because they grew up closely together because of the family business. Although they weren't that close, they are still considered childhood friends and he could assure that the Alpha does not mean any harm to their brother.

Just that, the path they chose was a rough one. Maverick had just gone through something horrifying, they didn'tthem want him to be harmed in any way possible even if it would mean that they would be restricting his happiness as well.

"Thank you," Paul expressed before finally opening the door so he could walk inside. Thankfully, as far as he had heard, Maverick was unharmed although he needed to see him in person to confirm that. He was a little disappointed that the Omega didn't look for him as soon as he came back and instead looked for Mo Tian Zi but he was glad that he was finally called. He had been waiting for so long since he knew he wouldn't be able to see Maverick on his own unless the Omega called for him himself.

Walking deeper inside the room, Paul's expression quickly softened when he saw Maverick sitting on the bed. They immediately locked eyes and without even realizing it, both of them rushed toward each other. Maverick wasn't able to hold back himself and hastily got off of the bed so he could hug his lover.

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